Chapter 18

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Woke up early today, gonna start this chapter and hopefully finish. If not, sorry! Anyways, If you read my Author's note, I've decided to stay home instead so there's a higher chance of me finishing this chapter.. WHOOP DEE WHOOP!! Happy New Yearsss!!~


"Heyy Robbooo!!" Wally exclaimed, getting the boy's attention.

Rob gave him a "seriously?" look. He had been doing something on his glove. (Wally didn't want to know, he could've been hacking into the Pentagon.. again..)

"Okay, so maybe I didn't have to yell since you're literally right next to me.." Wally sheepishly smiled.

"If I may interject," Kaldur butted in (politely.. Somehow), "Saying Robin is right next to you would not be correct.."

"He is practically sitting on top of you.." M'Gann added.

Robin and Wally both blinked owlishly, confused. They exchanged looks before realizing the two were right.

Wally childishly stuck his tongue out at the other two while Robin just shrugged. This kind of thing just.. sort of.. happens on its own. No point in making a big deal about it.

"Oh yeah!!" Wally exclaimed (once more). He had been planning to ask the birdie something!

"So, Boy Wonderful," he began once more, dragging out the nickname (which earned him a roll of eyes from said boy), "Where we hanging tonight?"

This earned them confused looks from the other two in the room.

"Rob and I always go over to each other's house whenever we have free time, when we're not busy with school or co-opness." Wally explained. (Yes, I know co-opness isn't a real thing =_=)

"I don't mean to be rude, I know you two are quite.. close, but 'hanging out' too much together.." Kaldur didn't know how to phrase it but he tried again, "Do you two not enjoy some time to yourselves?"

"Don't you guys ever get tired of hanging out with each other? All the time? Only by a little!" M'Gann really didn't mean for it to come out like that, she was just curious too.

Robin was the only one who looked confused at that moment, "How could I ever get tired of him?" He wondered.

Wally, on the other hand, looked a bit upset. (Only a bit)

"I could never get tired of being with Robin!" He declared loudly, standing up from his seat on the sofa,  "I enjoy being in his company! No matter what I do!"

With those last words, he let out a huff and sat himself back into his seat, crossing his arms, and glared at the floor.

M'Gann and Kaldur exchanged shocked looks. That didn't seem too healthy..

"I didn't mean to.." M'Gann began before she trailed off. Kaldur placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head. Right now, he believed that Robin would do better at calming him down.

The two quietly left the room.

Robin wrapped (the pouting/sulking) Wally in a hug and they just sat there in comfortable silence.


*At 11:50 PM*

"I can't believe we're actually at Times Square!" Wally excitedly looked around.

"Billionaire's Ward" was written on the notepad that all of a sudden appeared in front of the Speedster's face.

"Yeah, I know, but stillllll!!" Wally dragged out the last word. (If you couldn't already tell)

"Countdown starts soon," The Grayson signed.

"Yup!" Wally was practically shaking with excitement, "Can't wait." (Cue the mischievous glint)






That's when the two started to lean in


"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!" Wally exclaimed, pulling his head back, but also pulling Robin into a bear hug.


*The next day*

"Hey guys.." Wally walked into the kitchen, where everyone was.

He turned and looked at M'Gann and Kaldur. 

"Sorry I kind of snapped at you two.." Just one glance at the Speedster and you could tell he truly felt sorry.

"It's ok, Wally!" M'Gann placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We were at fault too, we had not meant to offend you," Kaldur put in.

Connor just raised an eyebrow while Artemis shrugged and went back to sharpening her arrows. (In the kitchen.. And on the counter too..)

Robin grinned from where he sat. He was near Artemis, sitting at the counter. (not ON)

He looked back at his glove, continuing his unfinished work from the other day.



HAPPY NEW YEARS ONCE AGAIN!! Hope this chapter was okay! If not, my excuse is that it's morning.. XD Anyways, Holiday chapters. I try write a chapter whenever there's a holiday but sometimes I forget so if i don't post a chapter for a holiday (I'm talking about well known holidays) within a week of said holiday, someone please virtually slap meh!

THANKS FOR READINGG! I hope this year is full of happiness!

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