Chapter 26: FailSafe (Part 3)

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So I haven't been on for awhile. Testing has been mad crazy at my school but luckily it's Spring Break already! Gosh.. I finally go on WattPad after a week or two and what happens? The "My Works" page has changed.. Not much though haha! Anyway, I would've updated sooner if it weren't for the crapload of testing (that I've mentioned before), my birthday (April 16!! YAYY! I'm one step closer to my grave! XD), I was also busy with a bunch of contests that I've entered, and the fact that I ordered a bunch of stuff online. Each time an item showed up, I couldn't help but spend a couple hours with it! haha, whoops... But, I'm back now! So that's what counts, you guys don't really care about the above but I told you guys anyway! XD Umm..

Do you guys think that whenever I have more than one part to an episode or chapter, I should add a short recap at the beginning?

Onto the chapter now!!


Kid Flash made sure not to let the computer scan him until after Robin went through first. He almost gave a sigh of relief when he saw his little birdie get zeta-beamed.

"Kid Flash: B03"

Not even a full second later, an explosion at the door caused KF to whip his head back. Many of the soldiers were hurt by the debris. (Why is the s in "debris" silent? Ok, sorry.. I'm ruining the intensity.. *sweatdrops* Pretend this never happened haha..)

Aqualad, seeing KF turn and look at the injured, grabbed the speedster and shoved him into the zeta-tubes.

Lots of soldiers were zapped by the alien beams as Superboy rushed over to one of the soldiers that was being crushed by a giant piece of the ceiling. He lifted the debris and used it as a temporary shield, grabbing the soldier and bringing him to the zeta-tubes.

"He goes next." Superboy declared.

"Fine. Then you." Aqualad responded, knowing there isn't enough time to argue.

The soldier was scanned and Superboy asked him, "Can you make it?"

"Sure, Superman." The soldier replied, making his way through.

Superboy frowned as he tried to speak, "I'm not-"

"Superboy B04"

Aqualad was helping Martian Manhunter to the tubes.

"They need you more than me!" Aqualad spoke loudly, shoving the Leaguer forward, "Go!"

Aqualad turned around and watched as the alien's beam was shot towards him.


"Our next mission is clear, if we believe the aliens have been teleporting their victims-" Robin spoke, voice just a bit croaky.

"We do!" KF interupted. They have to be teleporting the victims! Robin is surely blaming himself for what might've happened with those who were hit by the alien's beams. Bats, although quite intelligent, they somehow always find a way to blame themselves for something, even if it wasn't their fault!

Robin gave KF a look before continuing on, "Then the only reasonable detention facility is here." He pulled up a picture on his holoscreen. "Their mothership; atop what used to be Smallville."

"Ring any bells?" Robin asked, turning to the martian behind them.
"No. I'm sorry." He put his hand back to his head.

The team turned their attention back onto the youngest, though KF seemed to be the only one who noticed the edge of the other's mouth twitch and the slight (very slight) tremble of his hands.

The Bird Who Wouldn't Sing (Retelling of Young Justice + BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now