Chapter 23 (One-Shot)

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Hey guys! As always, sorry about the lack of updates. I know I always say I've been busy but this week, I have after school, this weird ceremony thing, rehearsal for the ceremony thing, and testing. OH! Let's not forget the usual load of homework.. *sigh* I had Writing Club today (It's every Monday) and I should've worked on this story during that time! Oh well.
This One-Shot takes place around the time the last one did. Maybe a day or so afterwards.
After the events that had happened a couple days ago, the team has been acting a bit strangely around Wally. They didn't mean to! They try to act as normal and casual as they usually do, but it's still a bit difficult with the shock of seeing the darker side to the annoyingly hyper Speedster.

Artemis knew she had been out of line and, although she won't admit it, felt a bit guilty. She had been trying to come up with a good way to say sorry, but couldn't bring herself to actually say the words. Seeing Wally walk in, looking a bit down, she thought it was a good idea to walk up to him.

"Hey Baywatch." The archer greeted casually.
Startled, he tensed up before looking up at her.

"What's up?" She asked, referring to how he was currently acting.

"It's nothing. What makes you think something's wrong?" 

She raised an eyebrow.

"For one, you aren't starting an argument with me," She commented.
Wally stayed quiet.

"Look, I'm sure you don't want to tell your life stories to me, but know that the rest of the team's here for you too."

She inwardly cringed. It was just too weird not arguing with him.

The Speedster forced a smile, causing Artemis to almost flinch.

"I know I'm hot and all, but I'm still taken," He joked, though it seemed like he was just doing so to try and prevent awkwardness.

Artemis snorted (how attractive) before, after a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, deciding to get up and leave.

"Now that's just weird.." Wally thought as she walked away, referring to her trying to be nice.
He let out a sigh before looking back at his phone.
Right when he checked his phone, he heard the cave recognize the Dynamic Duo.

"Robin!" Wally inwardly cheered, rushing over to the two.

He halted to a stop and gaped.
His Boy Wonderful didn't look so wonderful at the moment. The poor boy had bags under his eyes, his mask covered most of it, but not all. Not only that, but, to put it bluntly, he looked like an insomniac who just got hit by a truck. 

"What happened!?"

"Scarecrow," Batman said simply, though if you knew him well enough, which Wally did (He has known Rob for years after all), you could tell he's worried about his partner, his son.

"He wanted to come to the mountain," Batman explained.

"You should be resting!" Wally scolded Robin.

"It's not like I'll be going on a mission. Plus, I already got the antidote!" The stubborn bird signed.

Batman and Wally sighed at the same time. They looked at each other before Batman gave a nod and started heading for the Zeta-Tubes.

Wally led the other boy to his room, hands wrapped over the other's shoulders. After they both sat on Wally's bed, the Speedster addressed the other.

"How long.." (did it take before you got the antidote) Wally didn't have to finish his question.
Robin lifted 4 fingers.
"Four hours!?"

"Batman and I had given 3 antidotes to the police, in case Scarecrow had some hidden.. tricks. He only had one left, since we hadn't had to deal with the guy for quite some time. The antidote broke in the fight."

Rob signed, hands hardly shaking, though Wally still noticed.
He grabbed the boy's hands and continued to hold onto them. Robin still decided to continue his explanation. Clearing his throat, he spoke softly.

Wally stared at the boy sadly. Four hours in one's worst nightmare..
"Batman hadn't wanted me anymore," Robin muttered.

"Rob.. He cares about you, you're his son."

"Adopted son," Robin corrected.

"Still his son. He chose to adopt you, chose to keep you, chose to spend time with you-"

"He died after he said he didn't want me anymore.." Robin cut in.
Wally gaped.

"He fell, like my parents.."


"The team did too!" He exclaimed before he lowered his voice hardly above a whisper, "I saw you fall.. I couldn't move, couldn't stop it."

The Speedster wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him into a hug.

"You can't get rid of us that easily."

He gave the other a watery smile before muttering a "Thank you for always being there for me."

Wow, this was kinda sadder than I had expected. I totally wasn't planning for it to turn out like this.. Wow.. My original idea didn't involve Scarecrow or as much sadness.. WHEW. Guess I'll just.. go.. now..
Thanks for reading!

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