Chapter 27: Misplaced (Part 1)

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Hey guys! I know it's been awhile since I last updated, so here it is!

Oh! I was thinking that after I finish this season, I'd fix it up a bit. I went over some of my older chapters and realized that maybe I should fix a few. Not too sure though..

Anyway! I've been asked a couple times on whether I'd finish this story or not.

The answer is yes. I plan to! I also plan to write the second season too! Though, I'm thinking about writing the second season in a brand new story. Does that make sense? Man, I suck at explanations!

I meant like a sequel to this story.

(The image with this chapter isn't from the show, obviously. It's fan art that I found since I couldn't find any Birdflash pics from this episode!)


"How about here?" Klarion, the witch boy, asked his familiar.

He only got a meow as a response.


He made a magic circle as he began to summon his allies; Wotan (Wanton), Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust, and Wizard.

Klarion rubbed his hands together as he gave a chuckle.

"Now, let's put on a show."

They all began their chanting.


"Did you get everything?" Batman asked as the team unloaded boxes from the Bioship.

"Everything on your list, Batman." M'Gann answered, "Plus groceries."

Wally sped over to the box she set on the floor.

"Cookie Fixins?!"

"Snickerdoodles." She replied with a smile.

He looked up at her with a bright grin.

"You've saved my life." He glanced at Robin's direction, "Though, he gives me life." (Yup, still lovesick XD)

Not soon after, Artemis and Zatanna entered.

"Glad you're back, Zatanna. Does this mean you're officially joining the team?" Artemis asked.

"I don't know." She glanced at her father, Artemis doing the same, "Zatara's so overprotective. I mean, just getting him to let me visit takes a full day's wheedling. I wish he'd just give me a little space."

As soon as those words left her mouth, the Leaguers vanished.

Boxes dropped with a crash as the YJ team were left in shock.


Klarion grinned as he chanted, his allies vanishing too.


"All the grownups are gone." Billy realized, "And Cap's a grownup. If I change, I could disappear, too!"


"We've set up a refugee center at the high school gym." KF reported to the mountain through the comms. "Any luck with-"

"No." Rob muttered as he continued tapping away at the holoscreens.

He took a sharp inhale before continuing to speak quietly to KF. Zatanna was working a few feet away from him and he didn't need to answer any other questions at the moment.

"Can't raise the Batcave, the Hall of Justice, or the watch.. Or any adult hero, even Red Arrow." A bit of his distress was coming out.

"Guess we're on our own.." KF mumbled before continuing, "Hey! Remember what Bats said! You've been using it a lot more since the team was formed.."

The Bird Who Wouldn't Sing (Retelling of Young Justice + BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now