Chapter 24: Failsafe (Part 1)

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Wow, it's been awhile since I actually wrote an alternative to the episodes.. Sorry! It's only been one-shots.. I haven't had time to write full chapters so I thought one-shots were better than nothing. Sorry they probably weren't very good.. ANYWAY! I have loads of work this weekend so this is probably the only day I can work on this story for this week. LUCKILY! There's a chance of a snow day on Monday, so I might have that day free *winka winka*

Another note: Wally kinda looks like a creeper in the gif XD



"Incoming Transmission:"

"Tornado, did you-" Zatara began.

"Yes, Zatara, we saw." Red Tornado told the magician, referring to him and the YJ team. "Celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures."

"Affirmative. See you in the field." Zatara stated before signing off.

"I must join the League." Tornado said, facing the team. "We will protect the planet at all costs. But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you."

All of their faces were grim, perfectly serious. Aqualad took a quick look at all his teammates' faces.

"We stand ready." He stated.


The team watched the news, seeing the horrors of losing their mentors and the other Leaguers.

"Red Tornado to Cave. I fear I am all that remains of the League." He began.

"RT!" Robin thought, wanting to cry out to the android but it was too late.

"We are Earth's heroes now." Aqualad said, they were all still looking at the screens.

Robin and KF shared a look.

"So what are we waiting for? A theme song?" Superboy asked sarcastically, frowning.

"A strategy." Aqualad replied. "Earth's weapons are ineffective and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed."

The team all turned their attention to Robin when they saw him tapping at his glove's holoscreen.

"He's checking the satellite imagery." KF explained simply.

They all looked as the Earth pulled up holographically. Red spots were in most of the locations.

"Where the aliens are now." KF explained again.

"This one get lost?" Superboy asked, pointing.

"That's Superman's Fortress of Solitude." Robin realized, typing it out.

Superboy's eyebrow raised. "Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?"

"It's power source must have attracted the aliens' attention." Robin thought signing with his hand. "At least enough to send a scout ship to investigate."

Everyone stared at the boy, wondering what he was trying to say while KF just smiled fondly at the boy. (I'm not joking about KF, look at his face!! I'm not imagining it!! *eye twitch*)

 (I'm not joking about KF, look at his face!! I'm not imagining it!! *eye twitch*)

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"Must be some Fortress." Superboy began turning away.

"Conner.." Miss Martian began.

"No, it's okay. I guess there's a lot about Superman that I'll never know." Realizing something, "Uh.. You know, now."

"We will target this lone ship." Aqualad said, he was the leader of the group afterall.

"Yeah! Break it down, build more, hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo! OW!!" KF cried out, having been elbowed by a certain archer.

"Martian and Kryptonian in the house." Artemis whispered to him.

Glancing at the two that were mentioned, KF chuckled nervously, trying to recover from his accidental insult, "Uh, heh. Not that all aliens are automatically ugly."

This earned him another elbow in the gut, courtesy of a certain little birdie this time.


Robin gave him a look, eyebrow raised.

"Well, what else am I supposed to say!?" KF whisper yelled.

The team just watched the two interact. They will never get fully used to it.


(YUSS! This shall be my new line break! *puts on sunglasses*)

After Miss M disabled the enemy ship's communication and propulsion, Artemis sealed the ET's inside. (ET = Extra Terrestrial) Aqualad and Wolf launched themselves at the ship. The rest of the team, dressed in their arctic gear, followed.

While Superboy was trying to detach the ship's canon (Robin had pointed out the stress points and its links to the ship), a hidden electrucuting device almost attached to him. He was saved by Wolf, who shoved Superboy aside and had ended up sacrificing himself.

The whole team stared in shock at where Wolf had been before, snapping out of his shock first, began tapping at his holoscreen.

"There was no indication of feedback. I'm sorry.." Robin said telepathically.

"Can't do anything for him now." Superboy said back, going back to doing what he had been trying to do, not wanting Wolf's sacrifice to be for nothing.

"Let's go." Superboy told the others, they didn't have much time for shock. There was an invasion to stop.

Superboy and Miss Martian began to integrate the new weapon onto the Bioship.

Having had to decamouflage to attach the canon, other enemy ships appeared.

"Got you covered, get inside! I'm almost there." Artemis cried out, firing her arrows.

The archer began running to the Bioship, not noticing that the ship that had come crashing down had pointed its canon at her.

"Artemis, behind you!" Miss Martian cried out through the mental link.

"Artemis!" Miss M screamed, watching as Artemis got incinerated.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry, I have to cut it short. I'll finish this as soon as I can. Hope Y'all can wait awhile.

Thanks for being patient! ^_^

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