Chapter 21 (One-Shot)

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So Valentine's Day is coming up! I've decided to make this chapter for the special occasion! I can't believe I even have the time to write it, seeing as to how busy I've been lately! Anyway, this chapter was inspired by my Valentine's Day project!!


"Recognized: Kid Flash B-04"

Not letting the computer finish speaking, the speedster sped over to his little birdie, (who was sitting on the couch) with a "ROBBIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

The rest of the team stopped what they were doing, a bit surprised. They watched as the red head glomped the poor boy. (Ok, last time I used this word, there was a bit of confusion. So here's the definition! " to embrace enthusiastically; to pounce on and hug, often from a running start." In other words, a tackle/hug. Hope that clears up all confusions!)

"Umm.. Robin? Are you okay?" Zatanna asked, still new to the team and not yet used to everything yet.

"Baywatch, what up with this?" Artemis asked after Zatanna spoke.

"My Boy Wonderful here gave me an early gift for this upcoming holiday!" Wally exclaimed excitedly. (Seriously, this nickname gives me the feels! >w<)

"OOHH!!" M'Gann squealed, "Was it an early Valentine's day gift? What'd he get you?!"

"Uhh, what?" Zatanna asked, clearly confused.

Ignoring her, Wally answered the fangirl, "Well, It's hard to describe.. Oh! I have a picture!"

The speedster took out his phone and showed M'Gann the picture of his giant chocolate lightning statue.

"He also gave me this!" The Speedster continued, showing everyone his homemade card.

He didn't open it, just showed everyone the front.

"How come it's shaped as half a heart?" Artemis asked, "And why does it only say you at the front?"

Wally grinned before opening the card, showing them the front AND back. The back had said Me and when it was completely unfolded, it formed a complete heart.

"You know the saying, you complete me?" He asked rhetorically, grin still in place.

"What does the card say?!" M'Gann asked excitedly, still in fangirl mode.

Wally glanced over at Robin, who was blushing a bit but didn't seem to argue.

The speedster cleared his throat, "Are you a 45 degree angle? Because you're acute-y! You're sweeter than pi! My love for you is constant! When I'm with you, I feel positive! The equation you plus me is equivalent to a whole (number) because you make me complete! Our love is like dividing by zero, you cannot define it! Are you the square root of negative one? Because you can't be real! I less than three you!"

When he had finished, Wally looked at the team. Grin still in place.

"Isn't he adorkable!?" Wally boasted/bragged.

M'Gann didn't understand most of them but she knew they were cheesy pick up lines so she still cooed at the cuteness. Even Connor thought it was cute!

"Although those were quite.. cute," Kaldur interjected, "Why were they all math related?"

Robin scribbled out a "'Cause math is cool." at the same time Wally said "'Cause he's adorkable."

"Right.. Because that explained everything." Zatanna thought with a perplexed look.

She went over to Artemis and whispered, "Do they have some sort of bromance going on? Or do they have like an inside joke near Valentine's?"

Artemis looked at her, surprised she didn't know. Granted, she was new but they weren't exactly hiding it or anything.

"They're dating."

M'Gann, having been right next to the two, added, "They're called BirdFlash!"

"What?" Zatanna asked right as Wally asked "What's BirdFlash?" Robin tilted his head to the side, wanting to know too.

"It's your ship name!" The martian told the couple.

"Ship name?" Robin questioned, holding up his notepad.

"Hmm.. I guess I can see that.." Wally thought over it. He actually really liked it.

"Yeah! A ship name is your relationship name!" M'Gann tried to explain.

Robin just blinked a couple times.

Connor, having been confused throughout the whole conversation, asked "What's Valentine's Day?"


Sorry it was pretty short! Like I mentioned earlier, been pretty busy lately.. Hope it was ok!

Thanks for reading!!~

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