Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't updated in about a month! *sweatdrops* But luckily, I got a couple extra days of no school thanks to.. well, Thanksgiving! So I decided to write a chapter for the holiday! A bit early but d'aww well. Hope you guys enjoy and Thanks for reading! (Sorry the picture isn't exactly very fitting for this chapter, couldn't find a Thanksgiving BirdFlash pic..)


"Recognized: Artemis B-07"

"Sweet! Everyone's here!" KF whooped.

"Everyone's in the kitchen!" M'Gann cried out happily.

Artemis made her way into said kitchen.

"Anyone gonna tell me why we're here? Is there a mission?"

"Tomorrow's Thanksgiving!" was written on Robin's notebook.

"Yeah, no dip. Are we done here?"

"Chill, no need for the attitude." Wally frowned, he wasn't exactly pleased with how she was speaking to his little birdie. He sighed before he continued.

"Look, we called everyone here because.." He didn't know how to continue, but luckily, he didn't have to.

"What he's trying to say is that, since Thanksgiving is about spending time with family and being well.. Thankful-" Rob didn't get to finish writing because he was interrupted.

"Don't forget the food! It's about the food too!" (You guessed it) Wally cut in.

"Anyways, we wanted to spend the day with our second family! Though, since I'm sure you all have plans with your legit families tomorrow, we decided we should spend today with you all instead!" Robin finished as he showed the others what he wrote.

This earned Wally and Rob a big bear hug from M'Gann, an exasperated sigh from Artemis, and an uncomfortable side glance from Conner. Kaldur just shook his head with a fond smile.

"Now that we got all the sentimental..ness out of way, wtf!?" Wally exclaimed!

"Wtf? Like.. Wtf?" Artemis was practically gaping at him.

"Where's the food!" Wally exclaimed with a "duh!" expression.

"That is not what it means.." Artemis muttered.

Robin just shook his head with a small smile as he grabbed Wally's arm and dragged him into the room that no one knew they had. Everyone followed, confused.


They entered the room to find a giant dining table, laid out with food.

Everyone practically gasped. They looked at Robin in shock.

Robin lifted up his notepad, "I had to hide the food somewhere! If I didn't Wally would've eaten it all!"

That earned him an "offended," "Hey!" from the speedster.

"I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason we're all gaping." Artemis stated.

Rob looked at the others questionably. "What other reason?"

He and Wally shared a confused look.

"How about, where did all this food come from!" Artemis exclaimed while M'Gann and Conner nodded, wanting to know too.

"Ohh!!" Wally facepalmed.

The Bird Who Wouldn't Sing (Retelling of Young Justice + BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now