Chapter 13 (One-Shot)

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Happy (late) Halloween!! Yesterday was Halloween, as we all know, and I decided to write this Chapter just for this occasion! I would've posted yesterday, but I didn't have any free time..


"Woohoo!" KF cheered as he entered the cave with Robin by his side.

"Candy!~ Candy!~ Candy!!~" Wally practically sang as he pranced around the mountain.

"You're late, Baywatch." Came the voice of Artemis, "Don't tell me you went trick-or-treating when you were supposed to be here."

Before Kid Flash could retort, the rest of the team showed up.

"Where were you? We had a mission!" M'Gann questioned, curious as to what was so important that he skipped out on the mission with them.

KF just turned to Robin. Seriously? How come he was the only one being pestered! Robin skipped out too.

Rob just shrugged.

That's when the others took notice of something.

"Robin, Kid Flash.." Aqualad began, "Both of you do know your uniforms are.." He didn't know how to say this.

"It's Halloween! The day where you wear costumes and go trick-or-treating for free candy!" KF exclaimed.

"That's not what I meant." Aqualad stated.

"He's wondering why you guys switched costumes!" Artemis said.

That was true. KF was dressed in Robin's uniform, though it seemed to have been adjusted to fit him. Robin was dressed in KF's uniform, it was slightly baggy though and the goggles seem to have more of a tint/shade to them.

"I'm Robin for Halloween and he's me!" he grinned.

"Hey, Robin.. How come your costume seems a bit too big?" M'Gann asked, not trying to sound rude.

This question, however, just made Kid Flash grin wider (if possible) and Robin seemed to turn slightly pink.

Robin didn't seem like he was going to write his answer down any time soon, so Wally decided to answer for him.

"He's wearing my uniform!" He was quite smug, "At first, he didn't want to but.. He changed his mind after a while!~"

All he got were blank stares.

Robin, still a little pink, scribbled something quickly in his notebook and held it up.

"Umm.. So about the mission?"

"We have already handled it." Aqualad replied.

"See! You guys didn't even need us." KF seemed to mostly say that to Artemis.

"So," He continued, "You guys don't need us for anything else right? We kinda have some important matters to attend to."

Everyone shook their heads. (Superboy hadn't really been paying attention since the beginning)

"Good!~" Kid Flash's grin was back, "We'll take our leave then."

With that said, he picked Robin up bridal style (and somehow held onto their candy bags at the same time) and sped away.

Before he left though, he threw random pieces of candy at the team. One for each of them. Artemis got floss though.


Wally set Robin on he couch before he turned and got all that was needed.

Robin just shook his head with a fond smile. He took off the goggles that were covering his eyes.

Wally plopped down next to Robin before turning to him with another grin.

"Would you like to do the honors, Mr. Grayson?" He joked as he gestured to the screen.

Dick rolled his eyes but he complied, he grabbed the remote and pressed play.

The two huddled closer, soon they were cuddling as they watched scary movies all night long.


After not hearing any more screams or squeals, Bruce assumed the two had fallen asleep. He glanced at the grandfather clock that was nearby.

"3 a.m." He realized. He was up longer than he thought he was. Finally realizing how tired he actually was, he decided to go to bed. Though, not before leaving a blanket for the two resting boys.


Wow. While writing, I was called down to the Kitchen by my mum and got yelled at. Now she's mad at me because I didn't want to watch her put onions or whatever into the food she was making. She also isn't going to help me bake cookies for my Spanish class's Day of the Dead celebration like she told me she would! Ugh! She always goes back on her words. I don't remember a single time where she'd promise me something and didn't change her mind at the last minute, over something so small too! Great, just great.

Anyways, thanks for reading this short story on their Halloween. Hope you enjoyed yours! Until next time.

Edit: I'm moving one-shots into a separate story so it'd be more organized. Decided to leave one for some reason though.

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