Chapter 35: Image (Part 1)

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Ok! Finally writing a new chapter! Sorry, I know I said I would write one "soon," and I really was going to write one the day I posted the Author's note, but Netflix was not working for me and it's the site/app I use to watch YJ, sooooooo..

Anyway, most of you guys seem to agree that I should move my one-shots to a separate story on wattpad (I asked in my author's note). If anyone disagrees, say so now or forever hold your peace! (I'll ask again at the bottom of the chapter just in case


"....This is the democratically elected President of Qurac. Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader; a humanitarium." Batman explained as he had the holoscreen play news clips.

KF had a knowing smirk on his face; he put a hand up to block the other side of his mouth as he leaned closer to Robin.

"Sureee. Any friend of Bruce Wayne's."

Robin just gave him a weary side-eye; though one wouldn't be able to tell with his domino mask on.

Batman continued on, "But five days ago Harjavti allied himself with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee."

Superboy huffed, "Not a fan."

"Few are," Batman said dryly, "But Harjavti suddenly backs Queen Bee's faceless claim that Qurac and Bialya were one nation in ancient times and has announced that countries will reunify in two days at a ceremony in Qurac."

The holoscreen showed a clip of Harjavti making an announcement. He claims that he will step down as president after the ceremony so that Queen Bee may fully rule.

It then showed Queen Bee saying she will gladly go to Qurac and be crowned sole leader of the nation.

"And the Quracis are okay with this?" KF rose an eyebrow.

"Hardly." Batman then started listing all the things Harjavti has done to try and keep Qurac from stopping Queen Bee's rule. Harjavti has silenced the press and has allowed Bialya military forces to come into Qurac.

"Queen Bee has to be controlling Harjavti," Rob signed thoughtfully, "Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?"

"And some women. But not long distance," Batman added, "and we have confirmation she hasn't left Bialya. Something else is at work here. Find out what."

"Robin," the boy looked up at being addressed, "You're team leader."

The Boy Wonder was clearly shocked as he stared at Batman, wondering it it was a joke; though he knew the man never joked about such things.

Kid Flash, happy for the other, spoke up, "Promotion, sweet!"

He looked over at the other and held a hand up for a high five but the other didn't seem to notice as he steeped forward. (Poor Wally, left hanging)

"Me? What about, Aqualad?" Poor Robin was so surprised his hands shook a bit when he signed.

"Busy helping Aquaman," Batman replied, as stoic as ever, "You're the next logical choice."

Was that a hint of pride or was he hearing things? Well, his hearing isn't as great as it used to be, so he brushed it off as just his imagination. There was nothing to be proud of anyway.

"Great." He signed, glaring a bit at the ground.

KF, hand still in air, looked worriedly at the other. "Dude?"

He decided to take the other's mind off of the subject.

"You totally left me hangin'." He used his other hand to gesture at the arm that was still in the air, even though the other wasn't looking.

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