Chapter 20: Humanity (Part 2)

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Turns out, my sister didn't even use the laptop yesterday! She said she needed it but she didn't!! BLARGG! She always hogs the damn laptop..


Captain Marvel, oblivious to the camo space ship behind him, threw a piece of tree trunk. "Fetch!"

Wolf just ignored him and continued eating the plate of nachos from before. 

"Come on. Fetch!" Captain Marvel tried once more. Nothing. "Please?"


"M'Gann? The bioship wasn't authorized for departure." Black Canary commed them.

"We're kidnapping Zatanna!" M'Gann answered before realizing her mistake, "To show her Happy Harbor. Be back soon!"

"Roger that. Have fun." Black Canary replied from the mountain.

"I did not give permission for-" Zatara began.

"They're good kids, Giovanni. Trustworthy kids. Don't worry." Black Canary wasn't facing Zatara so he couldn't see her face. "Trustworthy kids but still kids nonetheless.." She thought.


"We need an illogical solution.." Robin wrote on his notepad, showing the others.

"A truly dumb idea." He added before turning to look at KF.

KF just made a face before he realized everyone else was looking at him too.

He then decided to make a comment.

"As a matter of fact...."


After interrogating Ivo, (and Zatanna showing off a bit), the team were back in the bioship.

"Black out all external communication." Aqualad commanded before explaining how the Leaguers will soon find out of their "visit" to Ivo.


"Listen to me, my brothers, my sister. I have been downloaded with all your memories, father's too." Red Volcano began. (Lots of Red, sheesh. Red Tornado, Red Torpedo, Red Inferno, Red Volcano.)


At Yellowstone National Park, (Hey! I did research at school about this place!) the team were (literally) blown away by Red Tornado. (Am I funny yet?)

Tornadoes appeared all around the team.

"Why Tornado?! Why are you doing this?!" Miss Martian cried out before telepathically, she asked "Message received?"

She received discreet nods.

"Who cares why? Nail him!" Superboy yelled out, charging in Red Tornado's direction.

"Superboy! Maneuver 7!" Aqualad commanded. (Wow.. It's always that Meneuver..)

As Aqualad neared, he was punched in the face, sending him flying into Superboy.

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