Chapter 33: Coldhearted

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Yes, an actual chapter. Not a one-shot, but an actual chapter. I got my motivation from a very nice comment!~ Thanks for that!!

Anyway, I wasn't actually sure if I wanted to write this episode. I rewatched a bit of it to see if  I should or not and the ending gave me an idea!

Good thing there was a snow day today XD Enjoy the chapter!


Wally woke up with a yawn. He stretched his arms before realizing it was his birthday.

"Hey! Sweet 16!" He did a little happy dance. He had also gotten his cast off recently so he was already in a good mood.

Looking out the window, he realized, "And it's snowing?! Cool!" (It's snowing where I'm at too! Plot twist, I'm Wally's neighbor)


*After eating "heaping piles of everything"*

Wally just barely made it to the mountain before the zeta tube went offline, due to weather conditions.

He headed into the living room area and was greeted by the team. (Plus Red Tornado and The Flash)

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. (well, okay, not everyone but you know what I meant)

He feigned shock. "Whatt?! Oh, you guys! You shouldn't have."

Robin crossed his arms and rose an eyebrow. "Righttt," the sass was portrayed through his look, "Not like you've been hinting for days or anything."


"We made two cakes." M'Gann stated.

"Great! What'll you guys eat?" He half-joked.

"We'll split the cupcake." She replied before adding, "Make a wish."

"Waaayy ahead of you." He took a second before blowing the candles out. (Birthday candles? Birthday lights?? ACKK!! Brain fart! DX)

The martian cut him a slice of cake and kissed him on the forehead, earning her the stink eye from Robin.

He knew she didn't mean anything by it, but he still felt a bit bitter.

Wally looked like a deer caught in headlights. He made his way over to the birthday boy and pecked him on the lips, because he's just a tad petty like that, and then left after seeing Zatanna looking a bit left out.


A plate of cake appeared in front of her eyes, startling Zatanna a bit. She looked at the person holding it out to her.

Realizing he was trying to make a nice gesture, she took the plate.

Now with his hand free, Robin took out his notepad and wrote something before showing her.

"I know this is all very new and intimidating but I promise you.."

He turned the page and scribbled something else.

"You'll get used to watching Wally eat."

Yup, he loved talking about his boyfriend, sue him.

Zatanna looked very happy for some reason, though. Guess he succeeded in his task then.

"My joke must have been funnier than I thought." Robin shrugged, thinking to himself.


Wally's birthday party was interrupted. They had a mission.

He didn't get to go on the mission with everyone else. Instead, he had to give a girl a heart for her transplant.

Saying he was disappointed was an understatement. The team and the Justice League were having their first ever team up and he had to miss it!

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