Chapter 37: Image (Part 3)

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Made a new story. BirdFlash as YouTubers!! This is actually my second BirdFlash as YouTubers story but oh well. The first one was supposed to be really short one shots anywayy. This one has an actual story (called "Dorks with Cameras")


Robin was sort of frustated. Okay, not sort of.. he was DEFINITELY frustrated.

This hasn't been going as planned.

He was thinking too hard, not realizing he was mumbling his thoughts out loud.

"And on top of all this, Harjavti steps down tomorrow, subjecting all of Qurac to danger!"

He made so many hand gestures while mumbling and he stopped and placed his hands on his head.

He turned to the speedster and stuttered out, "Kid-KF, can you find a news station?"

Robin suddenly blinked a few times as he used a hand to press against his forehead.

Wally gave the boy a worried look and walked over to where the other was sitting, crouching down.

"You know you shouldn't be talking.." KF muttered.

It was kind of pointless being quiet since Superboy could still hear. What with his superhearing and all.

KF squeezed the other's shoulders before getting up and grabbing multiple remotes.

He muttered under his breath, "Which remote is it?"

He pressed the power button on one of the remotes and Hello, Megan! started playing on the TV.

Superboy, who had stayed quiet since he was pushed out of the other room, walked closer to the TV.

As the show's opening song continued playing, Robin and KF shared a look while Superboy rose his eyebrows a bit.

"Maybe it's a coincidence," Superboy commented as the other two looked at him strangely.

They continued watching. It was one of those shows where they play laughing and clapping tracks.

Superboy looked put off when he heard the Megan in the show greet a boy called Conner.

Robin gave Superboy a sideglance and KF sarcastically muttered, "Oh yeah, pure coincidence."

Miss M told them she was done with the blood transaction, startling them all.

Kid Flash almost dropped the remote, Superboy turned to her with wide eyes, and Robin had a hand ready to reach for a birdarang.

Fumbling with the remote, to get a grip on it, he accidentally pressed a button. The news started playing.

Everyone was still looking at her with wide eyes but she focused on the news.

"Is that Harjavti?" She asked as she walked closer, causing everyone to turn to the TV again.

Superboy pointed out that he recognized the guy standing behind Harjavti and Robin used his hologlove to zoom in.

"It's Psimon, the psychic we fought last time we were in Bialya. He was working for Queen Bee then, he must be controlling Harjavti for her now!"

KF groaned, "I still remember the headache from when he brain blasted us!" Losing his memories really sucked..

Robin typed on his hologlove, "We have to get Harjavti away from him."

Marie came in telling them Garfield was stable.

"Good," Robin thought, "Because we have our next mission."

The Bird Who Wouldn't Sing (Retelling of Young Justice + BirdFlash)Where stories live. Discover now