The negroid.

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I sat across aunt Susan ,my eyes were fixed steadily on her.

Aunt Susan was my mother's eldest and only sister.She was one of those aunts who came to visit during your dying minute but that was why she was here after all, to catch up on the two years  Penelope and I suffered without a mother.

"What?".she asked,adjusting the feather hat on her hazel hair.The only resemblance she shared with my mum was her slender nose and fair skin.

"Nothing". I replied still staring at her,fascinated by the role of innocence she was playing.

"What?".she said again. This time around, she fixed her tiny eyes on me and the resemblance between her and a wild cat became more defined.

I smirked at her trying to suppress the hidden laughter which was about to explode.

"Not everything is a joke." She sighed.As she once again reached for her hat.

"Maybe when you stop dressing like a peacock,I might consider you as something human." I replied.

She stared at me for a long while,her green eyes studied me carefully.she was about to say something but thought better of it and remained silent.

"No-one knows right?" she whispered, her face wearing the look of  worry.

I looked at the window behind her ,I was trying to distract myself and force down the angry tears that threatened to fall from my eyes. I took a deep breath and thought carefully of what to say next.

After the long silence. I averted my gaze to her."Not yet . I replied ."How can you live with so much guilt?". I asked with a tone so low, she trembled a little on her chair.

"Derek," she cleared her throat."I am not......... .

"Don't call my name. I spat out. "You know nothing about me".

"I will forever regret what happened but I ...........".

"Regret? regret?". I questioned her. "You killed her ," I burst out.

"I didn't ."She tried again.

"Then what happened?" I banged my hand on the table making her flinch back.

She was the last person I had seen before all the light from my mothers eyes had been drowned.

The memories of her flooded through me,these memories scared me and haunted me each night;her silent scream,her blood shut eyes,all of them consumed me with hate,anger and madness.

  Her words were disrupted by Penelope racing into the room dressed in her usual silver creek uniform.She looked at me then back at Susan who was now gulping an empty cup of water ,before she could start asking questions, I faked a smile at her and lead her out of the room ,leaving aunt Susan in her thoughts,maybe they would kill her like they did to me.


We arrived at Penelope's school not long.Ever since we had lost our mother I made sure to always drop her off in school,I was the only family she had left.I averted my face from the window to her,she was dressed in a black pinafore tucked in with a white short-sleeved shirt,she had betrayed her usual pony tail for braids which made her blue eyes pop out even more.The epitome of beauty was the only word used to describe a child like her,she had been silent throughout the whole ride,lost in her thoughts.I was utterly fascinated that she could go a minute or two without asking annoying questions or whining about something irrelevant.

The car came to a halt at the front of her school and without a single word,she quickly jerked the car door open and ran to catch up with her brunette-haired friend,Tracy.Penelope could never come to terms with Tracy being her best friend when I was in the picture so she decided it was best if they dressed alike so people could mistake them for twins. Tracy didn't mind at all,she would do anything for Penelope,which included wearing braids that did not do justice to her lack of hair.

"Shall I go after her,sir."Gremlin asked, watching her as she laughed and chatted with Tracy whose fingers were now entwined with hers.

"Let her be." I said, waving my hand as a signal for him to end the conversation and drive me to my school. I understood her completely,her escape valve from the sadness was school but mine were women.

On our way there,we got stuck in a terrible traffic,Gremlin tried his best to reassure me that it would not last long but looking at the watch on  my wrist,it read 7:43 am. I took in a deep breath as the ticking clock taunted me,we seemed to not be moving at all and then I lost it-What would my father think of me?

"Where are you going,Sirrrr-. ....

"I'll take it from here."I snapped,stepping out of the car.

He knew better than to bother trying to stop me. From where I stood,I saw the cause of the traffic. Unfortunately, a truck broke down in the middle of the road, blocking the way. I felt a slight pity for Gremlin who would have to pick up my father from the airport, knowing carefully well how much he dispised lateness. I rolled up my sleeve and looked at my watch once more...two minutes was now gone.

"Great."I sighed as I began to run.

Being the head of the football team had finally come to good use as my speed increased and I jumped passed anything in my way-no one had the mind to cuss or mutter words as I passed them.I smiled when I saw the school gate from ahead . The security guard did not bother to ask for my student ID as I slowly jogged towards him,who could blame him?when you are this good looking's quite hard to forget such a face.His shocked eyes, gave a clear indication that I seemed crazy for running to school.

"You're fired." I scowled.

I jogged past him,not interested in watching him get down on his knees and beg,it would just be a mere waste of the remaining thirty seconds I had left and besides I had been waiting way too long to get him fired. I was a few steps away from  entering the main building of my school until someone or something threw me off balance. I checked my watch.

8:01 am.

My face became red with anger and my hand clenched to a fist.

"WHO THE HELL JUST TOUCHED ME ."My head screamed.

I turned my head to notice someone standing a bit too close to me and staring down at something in its palms.I came to a conclusion that it was a girl,judging by the fact that she was dressed in a red checkered skirt.I sensed that she was new to this school if not she would have learnt the first rule in MY school.

I owned the school,every single thing,even the ground this thing walked on.This was my sixteenth present from my dad last year.


She was still frozen,a part of me thought that she was dead but in a standing version.I walked forward to her,ready to make her plead and beg for mercy under my feet. Everything was going as planned until I looked her straight in her eyes filled with tears,her eyes were deep brown and bright,looking down at what she was concentrated on,was a schedule.

That was odd. I thought to myself.

I examined her again, calling her pretty was an understatement. she was beautiful, not sexy like beautiful, looking at her I could tell that she didn't know it.Her uniform wasn't short like how other girls wore it, revealing half of there thighs neither did her shirt hug her breast too tight ,she  looked comfortable and hot on it,which made me curious to know what she possessed under there.Her long straight dark hair made her look elegant as it rested on her shoulders,neatly trimmed.

My eyes screamed horror as I saw her chocolate skin,.

It was a NEGROID.

The cause of  why I was two minutes late?

I know what your thinking, why was I so worried since I was the owner of the school?.

That was my life style-deal with it.

I hated lateness,stupidity and worst of all,I hated people who touched me..... but one thing for sure was that she was going to pay.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now