chapter 10.

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The best and the most beautiful things,
In the world cannot be seen or touched,
They must be felt with the heart.
                -HELEN killer.


This girl was ruining me, I couldn't think straight, more papers kept flooding on my desk but each time I signed them I ended up writing her name.

I knew that I was loosing it.

I hadn't seen her for five days now, completely avoiding all things that would link me to her but instead of things getting better, I was a wreck.
The sound of that, made me laugh at my stupidity, I could get anyone in a matter of why did it have to be her that invaded my thoughts?

"Derek," Oliver called, barging into my office.

Just great!

"Hey, oliver," I faked smiled, gesturing him towards an empty seat infront of me.

"Time for buisness,"He snapped pulling my tie to closen up the space between us."We are entering phase two," He counted, his breath stinking of coffee.

"Whats that,?" I ask, arranging my rumpled tie.

"We need to go big. Lots of photoshoots and events coming up this week and I need you to look your best. We're going for an interview."He said with a serious edge in his voice.

"Isn't there some other way that does not include me attending all this?" I sighed, sipping the bottled water on my table.

"I see, you've fallen for the girl," He smiled,placing his palm on his lips dramatically.

"No..not at all," I flinched at the thought.

"It's funny,"

"What is?" I asked, confused by the mad thoughts running in his head.

"How your answer changes, before it was over my dead body down to the last animal on earth and now you've hit rock bottom,"He said in a matter-of-factly tone."you just said a simple no."

"That has nothing to do..........."

"Enough," He stood up. "Just throw in more perfume, hair gel and a charming smile.That outta win her over," He winked.

"Am not trying to...."

"Will be leaving by ten" He waved before banging the door behind him.


"A what ?" I asked.

"An interview,after your wild photo shoot, everyone is buzzing over you," oliver gleamed.

"Am not ready," I tried changing his mind.

"Don't be scared.There will be cards to read from,it would be easy,"

No that was the last thing I needed.


"No butts get dressed," He said walking out before I could speak.

How could it be easy when I didn't even know how to read?

After he left, disturbing my sleep, Jen and Alec popped up infront of me both grinning widly both dressed in plain jeans and T-shirts with black trainers.

"So this is where you live?,"Alec asked shoving her way into my house.

"Classy, if you ask me," Jen commented.

Luckily my dad was out early, living me alone in the house.

"We're going to need, a blow drier, two wax lines, a cucumber, seven makeup brushes, a number four mac concealer and alot of mud."Alec ordered.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now