chapter 35

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"Selly,wake up."He whispered dreamily into my ear.

I turned my head to the right so that I was facing him.We weren't in an ocean, neither were we drifting to anywhere.We were alone on the bed and welcomed by the early morning sun which penetrated into our room,leaving us to our next adventure for today.

"Selly?"I smiled at the nickname."That isn't Derek like."I giggled.

"Nothing is ever Derek like when it comes to you."He flashed me his white set of teeth as he reached for my waist and carried me from the bed and into his arms.

"I am too tired."I whined.

"The more reason you need to get up."He pointed out as he  carried me into the bathroom.

"Please,I need to sleep."I mumbled as I buried my face into his arms,feeling the heat of his bare body warming me up.

He made a strangled noise as he sat on the toilet seat and undressed me.Him seeing me bare was no longer a big deal ever since yesterday when he kept his promise by running through my body.The thought of it made me shiver again.

"Are you cold?"He mumbled into my ear.

"No.why?"I asked as I dug my face deeper into his arms,finding a comfortable spot to fall asleep again.

"Well,the rate at which your nipples are turning....."

I slapped my hand across his mouth before he could continue which earned me a confused look from him.

"Don't you dare."I warned as I slowly removed my hand from his mouth.

"My lips are sealed."He winked as he stood up with me in his arms and carried me into the shower.

"Won't you...umm..join me?"I asked lowly as I felt heat rush up to my cheeks as he stared at my upper body.

"Thanks for the invite."He smirked as he ran a slow scan round my body."But we both know that those hard chest of yours need a break away from me."He said into my ear.

I quickly rushed into the shower and hid my body in the already forming steam.The light shut  from the door informed me that he was gone.

The way we turned from worst enemies to what we were now, under three months was really shocking.

And then it hit me.

Three months.

The contract we signed was going to expire in the next three days.

Then what next would happen next between us?.What we shared was obviously far more stronger than a business contract but how would I confirm that we could make this work?

I replayed his words again in my head."I am just showing you how about you."

He cared about me but I could only hope it was strong enough to turn into love.


Could he ever love me?

"Sel..are you okay?"He called out from the room.

"Yes..I am."I answered back.I must have been so lost in thought to not have notice the water change from hot to cold.

I turned off the faucet and grabbed a neatly folded towel and wrapped it around my body as I grabbed an extra one for my hair.The towel nearly covered my butt and I smiled at the impact it would have on Derek as I opened the door leading to the room.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"He swore into the phone.From his back view,I could tell that he was wearing a suite and from the phone call,I could tell that it was really urgent.

"How could you have lost him?"He rose his voice."How hard is it to track one single bastard?"He yelled as he paced back and forth the room.

"He killed...."

Just before he could complete that sentence,he turned around to face me and remained silent.He quickly cut the call and gave me a soft smile which I could tell he was faking.

"Is everything okay?"I spoke up before he could intervene.

" is baby...everything is perfect."He lied as he massaged his jaw.

"So why were you....."

"Baby."He started as he walked closer to me."Everything is don't need to worry about anything."He said as he placed a soft kiss on my lips."Did your bath feel lonely without me?"

This was it,the moment I would ask him,if he cared for me enough to love me?

"Derek..I need to tell you something."I forced out as I left his question unanswered.

"What's that?"He asked as he looked at me curiously.Just before I could say a word,his phone buzzed to life and he was compelled to answer it.

"Yes,What is it?"He spat out as he walked over to the window."I can't leave right now."He tried  convincing the person he was talking to but by his slow nod and silent mutters I knew he had lost.

"Sel,I have some urgent work to attend to."He said briskly as he cut the call."I promise that as soon as I get back,we will have that talk you wanted,okay?"He promised as he kissed my forehead.

"Okay.But please don't take so long."I murmured as I kissed him fully on his lips.

"I'll be back before you even know it."He mumbled into my lips as he kissed me back.

As soon as he left,I fell on the bed and allowed my mind to drift to the conversation he had before he left.One thing for sure was that he wasn't telling me everything that was going on with him but we would sort all that when he returned any moment from now.

I fell asleep on the bed still wrapped in nothing but a towel until the sound of the alarm on the table,penetrated through my sleep.I groaned as I stood up from the bed to turn it off.The bed was empty which meant that Derek had not yet returned from his so called meeting and the time on the clock read..12:00 pm.

A brown folder on the table beside the alarm clock cut my attention and I opened it.I didn't know if I should have been happy or sad but I chose not to feel neither of the emotions as I saw the words clearly written.

You are cordially invited to the Bloom bridge graduation ceremony which holds on the 7th of August 2016.

Now I had three things to worry about,the contract,my graduation and if he loved me.All things could be answered by only one person but where the heck was he?

I get so teary when I write another chapter because I know how its all going to end.Just 3 more chapter guys.Update will be rapid.Sorry for the lack of double updates but I don't want this book to finish as much as you do.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now