chapter 14

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My thoughts are stars which I cannot
Fathom in constellations.
      -F.o.s(John green)


I watched her closely these past few weeks, she was being followed by my best men but she never realized it. I parked every night behind her house and waited until she went into her room and turned off her lights- Never did I once see a shadow of her father coming to check on her as she slept like most parents did.

Maybe he travelled.I realized that she vied only a block away from me.

What were the odds?

At times she would skip classes and I would drive here just to make sure she was safe and she always was. All her bruises and aches healed lasting for two weeks-finally we would get to start lessons as soon as possible.

The thought of her trying so hard to pronounce letters made me laugh histerically.

Today was the day she would resume for the three month contract. Just like me, Oliver had disagreed for her to take part in anything until she was fully well and recovered.

I waited in my office patiently for her to come in.We would be going on another trip but this one sounded was New York Fashion week after all.

Who wouldn't want to see ladies dressed in  strange clothes revealing almost half of there bodies?

I stared at the handle of my door, unblinking waiting for it to tilt down and jerk up to reveal her and just like I had anticipated, there was a soft knock on the door before the handle tilted downwards . I quickly ran my fingers through my messy hair and opened a brown leathers book which laid onon my desk.

"Sir...the maid is begging for an early pay." Claire said, stepping inside.

Disappointment struck me when I saw her handing me a paper.

"Fire her." I said like it was an obvious statement.

"But sir......she's pregnant and her husband is dead." She said breathless or maybe shocked at my response.

"Okay.. Give her the early pay and fire her." I replied, lifting my eyes from the book I pretended to read.

"But sir....."

"Anymore word from you and you'll be leaving as well." I replied coldly.

Claire looked wide eyed at me for sometime.....I knew what she was thinking before she could even say it.

This wasn't my first time of hearing I was a beast.

"You may leave now." I said, uncomfortable by her gaze piercing through my soul.

She turned around, walking towards the door then stopped and studied me again before jerking the door handle and banging the door a bit loudly than usual.


The mere drawing on my sketch pad was in front of me like a dream I couldn't believe had come true. Jen and Alec completed the look with light touches on my hair and face, all my bruises were gone not even a single scar to remind of what had happened that night. 

My father had disappeared  leaving me alone and scared, I was used to this feeling always waking up afraid that he would throw me out of the house or worse put an end to me while I slept.Jen,Alec and charlotte had become more of roommates than workers or a classmate-at times they would offer to sleep over,never caring about how small my bedroom was but I always turned them down in the fear that my father would return and they would be caught up in the dangerous scenes I called my-life.

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