chapter 36

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If we don't have our hearts broken
Then we can never be truly grateful
for the gift we call love.

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I woke up to the smell of food filling the entire house.I checked the bed for any signs of him but it was empty,the dark-blue blazer and matching tie hung on the dresser informed me that he was back.

I jumped up from the bed and ran my fingers through my hair incase it was tangled.I was about to leave the room but remembered I was still dressed in a towel.I was about to retreat to Dereks wardrobe but stopped when I looked down at myself to see that  I was now dressed in his black shirt which stopped on my thigh.

This must have been his doing.

I opened the door reluctantly and took in a heavy breath as I made my way down the stairs.I rehearsed everything I was going to say to him again,recalling the exact words I had used last night.

The strong smell that had woken me up was coming from one place only and I took in a deep breath as I pushed the door open with my left hip.He was concentrated on the sausages he was frying that he didn't notice when I entered and settled down on the already set table.He was still dressed in his work clothes but he looked sexy with his sleeves rolled up and his half unbuttoned shirt.

"You're  finally up."He said as he placed the sausages on a plate.

You can do this.



We both said at the same time.

"You go first."I said.I needed more time to go through what I wanted to say to him again.

"Okay."He smiled at me suspiciously."I wanted to apologize for bailing on you yesterday and I won't do that in words,so when you're done with your breakfast,go get dressed."He paused for a  while and stared at me before continuing."Am taking you to a place that you'll never what did you want to say?"He asked as he sat on the seat opposite me.

I stared  at him then at my plate.All the words I had practiced yesterday left my brain and so I said the first word that they came to my mind."Sausages"I blurted out.

"Sausages?"He narrowed his eye brow in question.

"Yes sausages...I mean they are really big and so good."I moaned as I took a bite of the roasted pig on my plate.

Funny enough,I was a vegetarian but this tasted actually good and not bloody.

"Thats funny,maybe one day I'll feed you my own sausage and you'll tell me if it taste better."He grinned as he stood up from his chair and left the kitchen.

What did he mean by feeding me his own sausa.....

Oh God!!

I spat out the meat from my mouth as I finally understood what he meant by his own sausage.Derek was so raw and I didn't even get the chance to even tell him what I wanted to tell him.I had less that twenty-four hours before I graduated and the contract ended,both on the same day.

I ate the rest of the food in silence staying clear away from the sausages.Anytime I saw them,I remembered what he said earlier about his sausage.When my stomach could no longer occupy any food ,I called it a quits on the rest of the food and went upstairs to our room.

I was scared of opening the door but I later mustered up the courage to turn the knob.The room was empty,even his blazer and tie were no longer on  the dresser.I approached the bed and found a black bag with a note beside it.

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