chapter 31.

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"You need to see your girl."Lenden whispered into my ear.The rest of the football team didn't hear him but I sure as hell did.

"What the hell do you mean by that?"I asked as I gripped his tie before he could escape.

If anything happened to her...I swear I would......

" .......not...dead."He coughed out.I heaved a sigh of relief and loosened my grip on him a bit but he was still standing firmly in his spot.

"What is wrong with my girl then?"I asked looking him straight up in the eyes,daring him to lie to my face.

"She is smoking hot."He breathed out as he managed a smirk.

God knows that if Lenden wasn't my best friend,he would have being dead meat.No-one addressed her so cheaply..the addressed her at all.

"Where is she?"I asked in a deadly whisper.

If my best friend could say this what devilish thoughts would be running in other men's mind?

"At her locker."He pointed down the hall.

I nodded and followed his direction but I froze in my tracks at his statement.

"You better wear extra shorts,you'll be soaked when you see her."He said."I was wet too."

I turned around but he vanished as well as the whole football team.

"What did she do this time?"I thought to myself as I walked down the hall.

Different thoughts clouded my head but none measured up with what I saw as I froze on my tracks and came, on my pants.

"What the f****."I swore as I took in the sight of her.

She was so damn sexy in that uniform.Her legs were revealed in full length by the help of her skirt which stopped an inch above her knee.She betrayed her straight hair for full curls which exceeded her bra length.I underestimated her heels,the innocent straps were not straps at all,her shoes were long,covered in net and stopped at her mid-thigh complimenting her dark red blazer.

That was only her back view and I gulped as I came again on my pants as she turned to face me,her eyes held innocence but her full lashes made her wild and ready to be tamed.

She flashed a smile to her friend and made her way towards me.

"Hello,Mr.Allen."She said slowly as she took dangerous steps towards me.I looked at her wide eyed,no words escaped my lips because I was afraid I was imagining this tiger in front of me.

"It was nice of you to honor my.."She paused as she settled her lips on my neck."invitation."She breathed out.

This girl was bringing me to shreds with just her breath.

"Still playing the silent treatment,right?"She smiled as she pushed me harshly to the locker behind me which gained us gasps and murmurs.

"Lets see how silent your lips can remain."She smiled wickedly.No words were said as she smashed her lips to mine.

It all happened so quickly that I couldn't grasp all the details.She chewed,bit,sucked but she still couldn't gain access into my mouth,I also couldn't gain access to it.I was shocked and confused,at a point where I found myself opening to her,I did an ass move...

I pulled away from her.

Gasps and sighs became louder but I couldn't give a f**** more about them.

So this was why she had being acting weird,she was planning,planning- to seduce me.

I saw the look of hurt in her eyes as I wiped my lips free from her lipstick which sent a tear drop from her eyes.I forced her to this, I made her so blind with so much lust that she had to change her identity for me.

I couldn't stand her watery eyes or her piercing gaze so I pushed her aside and I walked away,leaving the crowd to stare at me as I heard her light sobs.

I couldn't kiss her back when she was looking like that,that would have been like using her for sex like I did with my flings.

It was then I realized,I wanted her as Selami.

I wanted her as the girl with long straight hair,the girl who loved speaking igbo...the girl as...a...racist.

Read Read Read Read Read Read Read.

My racist is almost at the end like 8 or 9 more chapters.The story was meant to be up to a 100 chapters but I am not so sure,I don't want you guys to get tired of the story line so ...lets do a vote.

Who wants a book 2?

Next update is tomorrow and Yes,it is a double update.

Share and comment pls.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now