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I am sure by now you would have noticed the strange language I am using,well this book is a mixture of western and African culture,I am using a well known language in the African area specifically Nigeria  known as igbo, I promise to make it simple and easy to understand.**********.And Yay, 100 reads thanks alot.xoxo


I zoomed in as soon as I heard my name.

"Present."I answered as I walked into my class.

They all gazed at me,making me feel like a God.Even the teacher questioned himself if he should have given me a detention or not in order not to loose his job.

"My apologies for my unprofessional time sir." "The traffic was terrible ". I explained

"Take a seat,Mr Allen".He said.

As I passed, girls winked at me and smiled,one went as far as reserving a seat for me.Any one in there right mind would have known by now that they all looked like a bunch of disgusting animals in my eyes but some needed a definite animal to be associated with..*pigs*

I sat on the empty seat, far away from them as possible.After a while they stopped paying attention to me and faced the Class,they knew it was no hope and any further harassment would have led to expulsion from my school.

Why didn't I attend private lessons?. The truth was that I hid my identity, of course everyone knew I was the son of David Allen-who in there right senses wouldn't?

Only the teachers and staffs knew that I was the owner and any leak of that secret -all their lives would be ruined.I made it clear from the first day.


If I was going to take over from my father I needed to achieve that in a fair way.

"What did you learn about catalyst? ". MR brown asked as he handed  out photo copied sheets of exo and endothermic reactions.

Mr brown was my chemistry teacher and unfortunately chemistry was my worst subject,sadly all art students were meant to pick at least one science subject and No way was I going to be stuck in a lab seeing the insides of a dissected frog.

"Speeding up stuff." Someone yelled from behind me.

"They do that,"Mr brown replied,wiping the lens of his glasses."But we do not call them stuff, they are chemical reactions".

"And that too".The same voice yelled again.

My guess ran to Dwayne, he ducked his head fast when he made silly comments and the electrifying smile in his grey eyes made my guess correct.

"Like I was saying". Brown rolled his eyes and continued with the rest of the lesson.

I payed careful attention to all he was saying about reactions. Brown was the only reason I did not yet remove chemistry from the schedule, he kept his teaching short and straight to the point.

Just as I liked it.

As the class came close to an end,Brown assigned us partners for our next project. Unluckily, I was partners with Marlene Betty, the only girl who could probably list all the reaction going on in your body but I really didn't mind, knowing fully well that she would do all the work.Bettys appearance was far from the book worm type,she was blonde and hot;it still shocked me how someone like her knew even what chemistry was,her beauty was always hidden by the big rimmed glasses and over baggy uniforms she wore but even at that,her curves could never be hidden.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now