chapter 38

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The moment we have all being waiting for is finally here.

Am sorry it took so long but it had to be perfect.

If your emotionally unstable-skip this,if you feel that you can't handle moments of tears streaming down your face-skip this.


"Get out." I growled at the driver.He immediately obliged and handed me the keys to the 1991 BMW Nazca M12.

I slid into the drivers seat and ignited the engine,driving with deadly speed as I tried calming myself down.

My father knew very well that I would do anything to protect Sel from him.He knew the extent of which I exercised my power so he decided to play dirty by sending me on a wild goose chase.

He forced Michelle to lie to me by saying that Sel was already in school waiting for me. I was adamant at first to believe her but with the mention of Sel in any conversation I lost all reasoning.

I drove past the security guards and parked my car in front of the schools entrance.Her package was still neatly wrapped beside me and I scooped it into my arm as I jerked the car door open and ran for the door.

I felt choked,nervous and anxious as I scanned the entire hallway for her.There was no sign of anyone at all,the place was empty with only silver lanterns hanging on the ceilings and decorations occupying the vacant spaces.

I heard rounds of claps and cheers coming from above me and within the blink of an eye,I was running up flight of stairs,following the sound of people clapping until I stopped on the seventh floor.The sound was booming from the door in front of me.I took in deep breaths as I adjusted the package on my arm and opened the door.

Silence fell upon me as the door creaked open to reveal a massive crowd filled with tons of people staring at me.I cleared my throat and walked confidently to the podium as my footsteps echoed loudly behind me.As I walked I used my side eye to check for Sel but I Couldn't find her,I only managed to steal a glance from Lenden who was seated at the vip section with the rest of the football team,giving me  the what the hell are you doing look?.I wondered the same as I commanded the principal to get down from the stage,he quickly obliged knowing fully well who I was.

All eyes were now glued to me as I stood on the stage stealing an opportunity to find the girl who owned my life.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"Someone had the guts to ask.

Lendens eyes popped open as I reached for the mic.He knew how much this little secret of mine meant to me but Sel meant more to me than it.

I wasn't surprised when I turned my eyes to see who had asked the question and to no avail,it was Mick wyler.He smirked at me challenging me to speak if I had balls and I would show him that the balls he thought he possessed were just like a pen cover compared to mine.

"I am Derek Xavier Allen-the owner."I said in a matter-of-factly tone."I own every single thing you are standing on right now and if you dare utter a single word again I will get you thrown out from this building with just a snap of my finger."I said coldly,squinting my eyes as a challenge for him to test my patience.

He swallowed a strong gulp and sat down back on his seat.


"Now that we have cleared that misunderstanding,Can someone tell me where Annabelle is?"I asked.The once rowdy crowd became silent,they were all scared that any wrong word they said would penalize them,even the whole football team remained idle and silent.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now