chapter 15

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"Focus, Sel." Oliver called out.

Sel. My new nickname had become so popular thanks to Jen.

But how could I do that?Focus?

Two days ago,I would have started my lessons and now I was two weeks away from my next interview and Derek was still nowhere to be found. He had canceled all our meetings with Oliver,distancing himself from me-I knew it was a too soon conclusion but it was the only reasonable thought that came to me.

He was avoiding me.

"Sel." Oliver snapped.

"Yh..." I said coming out of my trance.

I stood at the centre of everyone's undivided attention. I was modeling for Dereks' perfume line-Dalìène;no wonder he smelt so good...his perfumes were custom made with a rich and hypnotizing scent.The location was securely private-I would testify to that because I had been blind folded throughout the whole ride here.

"Am ready." I said, balancing myself on the grey heels and straightening my blazer.I was dressed in a tuxedo but I felt comfortable with the light make up and over wavy hair which I would  use to my advantage-flipping it over and holding the crystal gold perfume bottle in my hands;my game face returned.

"Stop." I heard a loud voice call.

I turned just in time to see Derek walking in with two body guards at his sides. The black leather jacket and white jeans he wore today were far from different than his usual fondness of suites, something looked different about him but I couldn't pin down what it was.

"Put me in the shoot." He announced, walking up to me.

Everyone remained silent and watched as he slipped off his jacket , dropping it on the floor and rolled up his red sleeves . He comes closer to me and pulled me closer to him, my breath caught at his action but he didn't seem to care.

"Shall I come closer?" He asked.

With no reply he took a step forward, eyes interlocking with mine.

"More?"He suggested, waiting for my reply.

And he stepped forward again and I noticed the change-his messy hair was a bit shorter now. Just when I thought I was this close to feeling his lips on mine.He yelled "Start "

And we stood like that.I lost count of the amount of pictures as well as time but the only thing that I was conscious of were all the hairs on my body rising as he hands trailed up and down my waist.

I hated him for making me feel this way.

"And cut." Oliver yelled.

I had never been so happy to here those words in my life but he didn't budge it was obvious that he had other plans.

"Time to learn." He said, shifting a strand of hair from my eyes.

"Okay." I replied trying not to sound weak but to my ears I know I had  failed.


The whole ride to my private house was silent,she tried as much as possible to keep a wide gap between us;the photo shoot had really affected her.

"we are...."

She didn't wait for me to complete the statement as she bolted out of the car.My father had travelled for an urgent meeting leaving the house empty with only Penelope but I wouldn't take my chances-he was everywhere.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now