chapter 13

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Ever since my mum died, I kept a stern profile,never thinking twice before i did anything that would add to my profit even though the decision I made would lead to the third parties early end, I would do it anyways.

At the age of ten. I was brought into the business, working side by side with my father,attending meetings,learning how to speak forty different languages and studying everything there was to know about Allen Industries.


I was the apple of my fathers eye.Always an honors student, straight A's and the good looks to pull it all of.


Being a billionaire was a free ticket to success but maintaining that position was the trick.

I remembered returning home everyday to my mum,happy to squeeze all the life out of me with a single hug and chocolate chipped cookies to feed on.

My favorite snack.

I wasn't entirely close to my dad but my mum was everything to me. I loved her more than breathing, I would drown in her arms whenever I had nightmares and her soothing voice would wash them all away. she was the first love of my life and I made sure to behave like an ideal son, doing everything with absolute perfection for her,her smile and soft kisses on the cheeks were the only gifts I needed from her.

she was always there.

Until the 4th of April. I remembered it like it was yesterday, her long sandy brown hair  like mine and blue eyes never wavered as she wished me good luck on my first conference.

The trip was a short and boring one.Milan was a beautiful country but with my fathers eyes always on me making me feel cautious, I couldn't let loose infront of him. The conference lasted for five hours but a text message from my mother made a smile appear on my cheeks, she said she had a surprise.

And I loved surprises.

I took the first flight back  eager to reach home earlier than usual. Before the driver could unlock the car, I flew out from the vehicle and into the house;yelling and searching for her but a loud cry from her room disrupted me. I rushed in to see Penelope on her crib,awake and crying but there was no sign of her.

That was odd.

she never left Penelope alone, even for a minute and then there was a gun shot. peeking from her window, I saw her outside near the pond,dropping slowly to the ground, with every shake and gushing of blood her eyes never left me until they closed.I couldn't see clearly either from the night or the tears blurring my vision but someone was in the bush throwing a gun towards her and then he or she took off.

I was thirteen then, too weak and young to do anything.

I couldn't move, I was frozen until I saw someone come out of nowhere, it was her, my mums junior sister.

It was aunt Susan.

I hadn't noticed her  there but she looked scared,placing a knife on my mothers lifeless body she trembled and her skin suddenly turned pale, as if sensing my presence she looked up at me and I took off. I ran with Penelope in my arms out of the mansion,luckily she was silent, sobbing between intervals but she remained still. I never turned to check if she was following, I just kept on running until i slammed into someone.

"Calm down mate." A deep but low voice said.

" don..nt..killll me." I begged,crying and cuddling Penelope to my chest.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now