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After hours searching and thinking for the perfect person to play this role,I finally ended up choosing Amandla stenberg and Zendaya

I am using two people because,Zendaya is a model and has amazing pictures of her clothes which relates very well to this story.

Amandla Stenberg because she is who I see when I think of Selami but either ways whoever you choose to replace Selami is all good for me.Hope you all enjoy reading this. Don't forget to click that star.


I looked again at the sheet in my hands,the words looked oddly shaped. The woman who handed it to me earlier , called it a strange word,what was it she had said?.

Sch - - edula.

I smiled,mastering the perfection in which I had pronounced it. I stopped people earlier on my way using my igbo tongue but they either shook their heads or walked away, sometimes they would smile back and explain to me that they only spoke english.

I hissed in frustration, ashamed of the mere truth that I was an illiterate.

Months back, I was happily helping Madam queen to serve food in the club.She had been my only source of money, at times I would work from 8-12 midnight hoping that she would double my payement of 500 Naira per month to 1000 Naira. I knew it wasn't much but it was the right amount to pay for my school fees.
I lost my mother at a tender age and my father was never around. My aunt would always try to convince me that my dad would come back for me one day,but when he sent letters he never included my name even once,she hid the letters from me for a while until I caught her in the act. I decided to live as the orphan I thought I was and forget I had a father.

Just when I started having  hope that life was looking up to me, I ran home one Monday morning filled with so much joy and excitement,I could not wait to see the look on my aunts face when I would show her the 8000 Naira bonus I had received from work which could last us for a month or two . I could never forget the confusion which I felt when  I met her lying on the ground at the position she always sat to peel  bitter leaf but this time she wasn't moving,blood rushed from her nose,her hands held a stick in them as if she had been fighting,her eyes were fixed on something. It didn't occur to me at the very moment that she might be dead, I forced myself to believe that she was sleeping.It was  normal for villagers to sleep on the floor these days due to how hot the weather had become.

I bent down and touched her cold body that insects were beggining to petch on. She had not died the death that pastors regarded as God's calling.She was murdered by someone,the knife beside her which was stained with blood..her blood,proved my suspicion to be correct.

I used my fingers to close her eyes and kissed her fore head as tears from my eyes stained her cheeks. I laid down beside her on the cold ground and silently wept while I stared blankly at the stars,not having the strength to utter a word or was at that moment I almost killed myself,the Same knife that was used to end her life was already in my possession,i was seconds away from using it to pierce my heart until I heard someone call my name.

I turned my eyes towards the familiar voice  and for the first time I felt grief,not because of my dead aunt who was leaking blood but the tall man in front of me.His black full hair and brown eyes just like mine which always shined during the day managed to stand out now that it was night. His chocolate skin beamed with healthy radiance unlike mine which was dry and rough from the harmattan, he knelt down beside me and quickly grabbed the knife away from me .

"Bi niyèè ". He spoke in igbo, stretching his hands to meet mine.
(stand up).

My heart skipped a beat,my temper increased as I faced him who had abandoned me at the mercy of my aunt who was now dead,him who felt no pain of leaving both of his daughters in a village while he went abroad and purchased lavish houses and cars


Him who I called my father.

I wiped the tear that was about to fall on my schedule and looked up to meet a pair of dark mysterious blue eyes looking at me.

"What?".I asked,feeling very uncomfortable as his eyes scanned my entire body but more afraid of the strange feeling that was developing inside of me.

"I don't know where you crawled from or what kind of thing which dwells in your brain that made you hit me. "He spat out,his once mysterious eyes now looked like a mixture of gold and blue.

"Soorry".I said, adjusting my blazer and hiding any hint of fear in my eyes.His presence alone screamed danger,from his posture you could tell that he was a powerful person.

"Whatever, you are a black after all. I've learnt how your kind is tagged as the bunch of absent minded fools".He said,turning around gracefully and walking away.

I was going to reply him back but what could I say?..I hardly understood what he said and if I had replied, it would be in between the line of "sorry,okay and yes ",these were the only replies my father had thought me.

I watched him disappear into a class,as he walked people made way for him and he didn't have to ask them to..was it his perfume that pushed them away?...I thought of many igbo insults I could have thrown at him but none suited him judging by the fact that he was extremely handsome especially when his eyes had changed to a different color, his sandy brown hair made me want to run my fingers through them. I face palmed myself, remembering that he had just Called me an absent minded  fool.

"Isìì ya di kà oromà". I said to myself proudly. At least I had found an insult for him.
(His head is like orange).

A perfectly shaped orange.My subconscious corrected.

I tried again and cleared my head of any thoughts of him and focused on the odd shapes on my paper once again.  I knew only one letter here which was" A", and the first subject I was having started with an A .I tried guessing what it was,agric,arts and craft or accounting. It was no use, I was never going to make it on time for the first lesson.

Maybe I really was an absent-minded fool.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now