chapter 19

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I cooked,cleaned and cleaned again but he was not  yet back.I dialed his line multiple of times but it remained switched off,the house was getting too silent so I decided to explore it,to ease my nerves.Turned out that inside the kitchen was a door which led to the library- the biggest place in the entire house, were ladders at each corner and the books were arranged according to colors,I always wondered what was so fascinating in reading,at times I saw people laugh and cry while reading,like the books could speak to them.I had tried many times to read a book but I ended up biting my tongue each time.

One day I would be able to do that.Sit and communicate with a book,sharing all my feelings and passions along with the characters of the book.

I exited the library and went down the hallway,it was dim but oddly comforting,the walls were all blank with no pictures of either Derek or his family members.I had done a research about him but due to my illiteracy, I could not read a single word but from the pictures;I understood that he loved women,lots and lots of women.

I turned the knob of the door I had seen him enter earlier,the room was spotless with not even a single piece of paper on its black carpet,it was much bigger than the one I was staying in,It also  had a nice view of the evening,all lights twinkling and it hit me.

I had no idea were I was exactly,all I knew was that I was in his house.

I sat down at the foot of his bed,thinking what would he was doing that kept him out this late until I saw something out of place.His dresser was half open and something like a paper was hung at the tip of it,I stood up to close it and I froze,it was not a paper,it was a picture....a picture of me.I opened the drawer wide open,attached to the picture was a brown folder and my full name was written boldly on it.

You didn't think I would admit a psychopath into my school...did you?

I didn't understand what he meant when he said but now it was all clear.He knew what happened to me from the very start but he played dumb,he had done this all on purpose...Jesus..he had known all along...

"What are you doing here?" He shouted.

I turned around,concealing all the anger pumping in my blood until I faced him.He was with another girl, dressed in only a red lace pants,her chest was bare but flat as well as her ass,her hair was green but short and she was pretty if you removed all her nose and eye piercings.

"I will not repeat myself again,what are you doing here?" He shouted again.

I asked myself the same question over and over again but I did not choose for this to happen he did...he had brought me here against my will.

"What is this?" I retorted,waving the folder in his face.

"I don't know." He lied,looking away from him.

"Wait till your turn." The green haired girl said.Great she also had a tongue ring,he could literally sleep with anything in a skirt.

"My turn?" I screamed." I did not ask for a turn,am asking what this thing is using me for?"

"You have no right to speak to me that..."

"Am not done." I snapped,shutting him up." You knew all along so stupid." I let out a laugh followed by tears streaming down from my cheeks but I didn't bother wiping them off,I was hurt because of what he did and destroyed by what he was about to do,right now with that girl,in this room."your such a.....I hate you...shit...I really hate you."

I  threw the folder on his face and stumped out of the room,at least hanging with Jenny and Alec had taught me a new word Shit,I saw his shocked face when I had used it;I had no time to rejoice on my first time of speaking really good English.I locked the door immediately I had entered into my so called room.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now