chapter 7

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To live is the rarest thing,
Most of us exist and that
Is all.

Load the media!!


Believe it or not.

I was still  dressed in my pyjamas running off to school to submit my work.

It all happened thirty minutes ago. I laid on my bed sulking and feeling pity for myself when I grabbed my only weapon, my half torn sketch pad and blunt pencil.

And then I started.

I knew it was the one. No errors,cancelations, It was perfect.

The white paper blended perfectly with the dark shade designs  making it look like the colour white was painted on the gown itself. The figure on the drawing was tall, bold but still incomplete, it was missing something.......of course!. The skin colour was plain white and this art was a part of my imagination with me included in it.

I searched the stash of make up my father bought for me which I used only when I had bruises or marks which needed covering. I grabbed the concealer and brown powder, pouring little quantities of it on top of my drawer and mixing it together until it was thick and caramel brown like my skin.

I rubbed the mixture carefully on top of my work, paying careful attention to the edges and finally it was finished. I didn't have time to admire my design as I raced out of the house bare foot with my rainbow pyjamas and my messed up hair. I ran on the streets of Florida recalling the turns the bus driver made on his way to school.

My pulse started racing and my heart beated so loud as I reached the school gates. The security man eyed me up and down, shaking his head in disapproval like I was a crazy woman.

"What are you here for ?" He asked.

"The faa..shiooon c..o..m...petitttioon," I panted, catching my breath.

He smiled at me and nodded allowing me to pass.  I had already planned how I would climb up the fence or better still, kick him in the middle but  just like that he let me go maybe white people weren't all that bad like I presumed them to be.

Maybe I judged...

"She's a joke," He laughed, assuming that I was gone.

I took a deep breath and sighed making my way to the front door of the school .I would make sure that he would eat those words one day and beg on my feet for my forgiveness.

I entered into the empty hallway to be welcomed by dead silence,I scanned half of the labs and classrooms but they were all empty. I was about to walk back home with tears filled on my face until I heard loud whistles  from behind me,the male janitor was dancing to the music in his ear plugs obviously not noticing that I was standing there and watching him the whole time.

"Hello?" I said tapping his hands.

He came to an abrupt stop and unplugged his ear plogs clearing his throat and looking thoughtfully at me.

"The fashion competition?" I asked,hoping he would understand.

"On the fifth floor," He answered with a faint Italian accent.

I ran to the elevator and punched the button hard for it open but it wasn't  working.

"Elevator broken," He smiled pointing at the door beside it. "Use the stairs."

I smiled back and ran up the stairs as quickly as I could until I stopped at the door written fifth. I heard loud cheers and someone speaking in a microphone from the room infront of me.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now