chapter 18

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(I have a lot of things to say but I will just keep it short.Silent readers come out and tell me how you means alot to me and for the rest of the week,am going to spend time fixing errors from the past few chapters and please leave lots of comments and tell your friends about this book.A writer grows with these little comments that may seem irrelevant to you but they mean the world to me,thanks for helping me grow but I need your help to make this book grow more and from here on I promise no more short chapters , I will keep lots of updates and please leave lots of votes-Dereks orders and you have to obey.(Laughs)).


Hot breaths,warm chest and mad currents weighed me down.I opened my eyes and nearly screamed but my throat was sour from the last time I attempted one.

"No...Let me go." I kicked,rustling from his grip on my waist.

"Hmmm." He looked up with sleepy eyes.

He was so perfect and I felt a twinge of guilt from...No...He had confirmed that I was the last animal he wanted to be with.

"Leave me alone." I rose my voice,punching his chest.

"Okay." He released and I rolled down to the floor.

"Your such a..."

"Such a what?" He asked, peeking down at me from ontop of the bed.

"My throat hurts." I replied dryly,standing to my feet.

His eyes became dark and clouded,he slowly scanned me making it obvious he was looking at my breasts hardening from underneath his shirt.

"Stop that." I scowled,hiding my chest.

He let out a loud laugh and rose from the bed,he was left in only boxers which made me cough a bit loudly.

"Stop that." He mimicked,throwing his hands to his chest.

Why was he acting so nice,just yesterday he had regarded me as his worker and now he was playing games with me?


"Get out." I gestured for the door.

He arched his brow and sat down on the bed,looking at me with a shocked expression." Your throwing me out from my own house?"

It had skipped my memory that I was in his house,in one of his spare beds and dressed in his clothes.

"Because you own the place does not mean you can do anything you like." I retorted.

How stupid could I get?

"Sorry." He murmured.

Wait.He just apologized.I was expecting one f his infamous comments about blacks.

"okay now leave." I gestured again for the door.

"You have no right to command me." He rose to his feet.

"Aga ma gbagu okapa(I will kick you)" I warned.

"Do not use that language on me." He frowned, coming closer to me.

"And what if I do?" I asked,waiting to hear his response.

"I dare you." He smiled wickedly.

I did not know what made me challenge him but I wanted to.


I did not get to finish my statement as he stole my waist and pulled me to him.I caught my breath and regretted it,the last time I had been in this state he had asked me if I knew what a tooth brush was and that had stung.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now