chapter 11

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"I'll take it from here,"someone said, opening the car door.

"No, she's mine," He replied firmly, lifting me up from the car seat and into his arms.

He carried me up a flight of stairs , using his free hand to turn the knob of the door. He dropped me gently on a soft bed, tugging my hand off from my face, I stared into his eyes and I caught my breath for the third time since I met him.

It was Derek

"Your an illiterate, aernt you?" He asked, unknotting his tie.

I broke the stare and looked up the ceiling, biting back my tears and nodded to his question.

"Why did you enter the competition when you don't even know how to spell your own name?" He said it like a statement rather than a question.

"Not everyone is born rich" I said my voice sounding tremulous.

His silence forced me to face him, his face was inexpressible, lost and lost in thought.

"I want to go home," I cleared my throat, wiping the hot tears from my cheek.

"Change first," He replied standing up from the bed.

The finality in his tone forced me to keep my mouth shut and obey everything he told me to do with no objections. He made his way towards the door and turned back to face me with a little smile forming on his lips.

"Clothes are in the left drawer" He said, closing the door silently.

I scanned the entire room, my mouth couldn't help but open wide. The roof was made of glass the whole room covered in white with a large flat screen TV at the middle of the wall, the comfy bed was a gold king sized one bearing diamonds on the pillow cases. My feet dug into the soft carpet covered with white polar bear skin sending warmth throughout my body.


Those words never left my lips as I stepped into the bathroom, bigger than my entire house, all in black and tiled from the bathtub to the toilet seats smelling of fresh strawberries. I stared at my reflection on the mirror,the perfect make up Alec had spent hours doing was ruined replaced by dripping mascara and swollen pink lips. I slipped off the short leather skirt and grey long sleeved crop top Jen had picked out and to my suprise the white long sandals were no longer on my feet. I turned the water on and stepped into the bath tub soaking myself,replaying everything that happened today.

Especially when he said,she's mine.

Was there more to that statement?

I stepped out from the bathtub,feeling refreshed and better, I wrapped  a towel round my chest and dug into the closet. I felt more comfortable in the over sized t-shirt and boxers,I ran my fingers down my tangled hair making it look less tousled. I opened the door and stared own at the long curling stairs, the house must have cost millions;he stood  at the bottom of the stairs there looking through the window and  lost again in thought.


When I saw her fingers shake uncontrollably as she grabbed the paper, I knew that she couldn't read . I tried explaining to Oliver but he concluded that I was love sick. I ran to the backstage with a security guard trailing behind me.

"If you touch me, you'll never find a job as long as you live," I warned not shifting from my position and my fist clenched incase he was going to prove stubborn.

He backed away and I entered into the room just in time before she could make a fool out of herself. She was so stubborn, I was forced to carry her but something strange happened. She was so light ......and soft having her in my arms as she poured her pain on my Versace shirt. I tried pushing her away but I couldn't......I felt complete with her on that spot..... in my arms.


"Can I go now " she said, I could feel her presence behind me and I turned scanning her slowly.

Her cheeks flushed at my action but I couldn't stop.

How did she pull of the look of an oversized shirt and boxers? boxers.

"Can we go? " she asked again backing slowly away from me.

"Are you scared ?" I grinned coming closer to her.

"Am not" she gulped slamming on the wall about to retreat but I blocked her way.

A dead end.

"So why are you running?" I smiled running my fingers on her cheeks.

"Am no....."

"Lessons start on Monday.......four days in a week" I whispered, my nose making contact with her her lips..and.....I.....pulled away.

She let out a sharp breath and ran her fingers quickly on her hair."Lessons for what?".

"Don't be late," I barked coming out harshly than I intended to but I couldn't control myself, different things I never felt before were running inside me just by looking at her. "The driver will drop you off"


I didn't wait for her reply. I banged the door and walked out from the living room.

I almost gave in and all the three rules I made were all broken by me.


(Lol!!! His going crazyyyyyy.)

And I apologize for the really short chapter



Feedback is really important,I would love to hear what you guys think.


Dedicated to -Clark-.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now