chapter 22

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Each time I look at you
I get more and more confused
What do you call such a feeling?


(I cried when writing this)


It was only a few minutes left before I went on the woodleys show again.It took thirty minutes and a lot of make up to cover up my red eyes and puffy cheeks.

"Its time." Oliver said.

I took in a deep breath and followed the body guard as he guided me through the same path I had followed a month ago,everything was the same,the stage still looked like a living room and seated on one of the chairs was the ever flawless Sabina Hooker.

"Oh,Ann." She forced a smile and walked to my direction." It is so good to see you." 

"I go by Sel now." I smiled and pecked her cheeks.During one of the lessons I had with Derek,he had taught me something known as the classy way of greeting.

"Sel,even better." She led me to one of the seats as the crowd cheered.

"I hope you brought your glasses today." She joked and the crowd laughed along with her.

"I wear contacts now." I laughed along.So far Dereks classes were having better effect than I had expected.

Derek.Why was I thinking of Derek?

"How has the months being for you?,according to sources,you have two weeks and a month more to spend withMr.Allen." She coohed his name.

"The months have been great and as for Derek...we are just business partners." I said.Even I knew that it was a lie,every touch,every word and every feeling went deeper than just being business partners.

"That is interesting because we have some pictures of both of you..of what seemed like a waterfall date." She pouted her lips and waited for my next statement simply so that she could use it against me.

And how the hell had they gotten that?

"Well that was for a photo shoot." I lied,praying that Oliver would follow up with.

"Okay then." She let out a low breath." The new collection Dalienè owned by Derek Allen was just released and the cover is something.....well...different." She blinked.

What did she mean by different?

"What do you mean by different?" I questioned.

"Take a look." She said,handing me a magazine from the table beside her.

My eyes must have deceived me because at the cover was a picture of my drawing and the whole magazine contained pictures of only me modeling his perfumes and shoes.

"So do you still agree that there is nothing more to this friendship?" She pressed.



"No"I hesitated."There is nothing more to it." 

I could not confirm it until I talked to him about what was going on in my head and mostly in my heart.

"Okay then." She nodded." It was so nice having you again and good luck on the Balmain competition,Oliver Rouseting definitely chose the best when it came to you."

I faked smiled at her and gave her a light hug before leaving.My next stop was to find Derek and tell him everything that had been killing for a month and a half now.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now