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"You're not gonna eat that?"

A tall tanned man approached my table, carrying his own tray that's piled with an assortment of food.

"No." I replied to him, still eyeing the tray he's holding.

He looks down at the remaining food on my tray. "Why?"

"Can't eat seafood."

"Bummer. Can I have it then?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Confused as to why he'd want more after seeing the mountain that already exists on his tray.

"Sure here." I place my food on his tray nonetheless.

He does a quick thanks, sets off and goes to another table. The girls were initially excited to be approached by such a handsome man, but soon their smiles fell as I assumed the same question he asked me, he then asked them. The girls then hesitantly gave him the leftover food they had as well.

The man then proceeds to do this to every table that has any sign of food that's about to be trashed. I watched him, curiously, as his back disappeared through the double doors of the canteen.

Wait...did he just bring the tray with him?

My free schedule allowed me the leisure to walk along the campus, or maybe even follow the strange man earlier. He was still holding the pile of food. His head swivels side to side as if searching for someone. He then takes a deep breath and....


What the hell?


Did I just follow a crazy man outside?


The area where we were at, was at the back portion of the school. No one really came here unless they had some shady business to do or apparently if they had the hobby of meowing into thin air.

I should've walked back. But my nosiness got the better of me. I hid behind a pillar and watched what he'd do next.

After a few more seconds of loud meowing, a movement within the bushes could be heard behind him.

"There you are." A white cat slowly emerges from the bushes. His fur was shiny. Belly, plump and its eyes, piercing.

"Where are the rest?" He walks towards another bush, pulling out a stack of bowls he seemed to have hidden there. With one hand, he arranges them in a line and slowly distributes the pile of food onto the bowls.

The white cat happily devours the meal and purrs in gratification. He looks up at the tall man that has been smiling down on him this whole time.

I watched the two, still waiting for the rest that was to come.

He set 3 bowls, yet only one cat appeared so far.

Another rustle of leaves could be heard. This time, an orange cat walks out.

It calmly joins the side of the white cat and eats away. The smile of the tall man grows wider as the two continue to enjoy their meals.

Finally, a black cat lands on its feet after jumping from the fence. Its blue eyes wander the area, as if knowing that there was another presence that's normally not there with them.

"Wonuuu~~~ there you are. Come here and eat."

My heart almost dropped to the floor as I heard him call out my name. I turned to look at him, just to see him waving at the black cat that just showed up.

The cat's named Wonu?

My heart sank even deeper after realizing the cat was now literally staring at me.

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