Wonwoo runs to the bathroom after hearing an ear-splitting scream from his roommate.
"What? What is it?"
Wonwoo grabs a pan as he passes the kitchen, swinging it around as he looks for intruders in the confines of their shared bathroom.
"Are we being robbed? Is it a sasaeng? Shit—is it a rat?!"
He continues scanning the room, not noticing Mingyu's still body in front of the mirror, right by the sink.
Wonwoo's grip tightens as the silence stretches on, not getting any reply from Mingyu.
"Dude, what the hell is it?" He finally lands his eyes on the tall figure, lowering the pan, mouth agape as he takes in his appearance.
Mingyu slowly turns around, a bottle of bleach in one hand and conditioner in the other.
"Hyung, I messed up." Mingyu silently says, his lips quivering as he speaks to Wonwoo.
"I can see that clearly." Wonwoo replies flatly, still struck by the bright mane now sitting on Mingyu's head.
"Guess we're having boom boom Mingyu back." he casually comments, walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, returning the pan.
Mingyu follows along, stress clearly evident on his face.
"Hyungggg, this isn't the time to joke. What will manager hyung say?"
"That shade of blonde doesn't really suit you?"
Mingyu pouts, then sniffles, tears instantly welling up in his eyes after hearing what Wonwoo had said.
"How am I supposed to fix this? I was supposed to post those Dior pictures today. I can't do those now, looking like this." He finally puts the bottles down on the counter, eyeing them maliciously as if blaming the inanimate objects for his major screw-up.
"Why are the labels so small on these things anyway? It's so easy for anyone to confuse the two with one another." he complains, still eyeing the bottles with a scrunched-up nose.
Wonwoo sighs, feeling a bit empathetic for his newly blonde roommate. "You've been blonde before. Why are you so panicked now?"
"I like my black hair. I don't think I suit blonde, okay? I learned my lesson during the boom boom era. Can't believe I'm back to looking like this again."
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think it looks that bad."
Mingyu glances at Wonwoo, who is now busy fixing himself a cup of hot cocoa. He takes a sip before turning his eyes back to the distressed blonde.
"You're just saying that, hyung," Mingyu says between sniffles, still holding back the tears threatening to slip down his cheeks.
Wonwoo shakes his head, setting his mug down. "You know I don't like to lie, Mingyu."
The younger man sits down in a chair, clasping his hands together, anxiously scratching the side of his thumb.
Wonwoo sits down as well, reaching over the table to rub the back of Mingyu's hand in consolation. "Dude, I'm telling you, you look fine. Nothing a little toner can't fix, really."
Mingyu finally nods, cracking a weak smile before lifting his head up and really facing Wonwoo.
"Can you help me then, hyung?"
"With the pics? Sure."
"Come closer, hyung."