Mingyu slumps his head, burying it in his hands, feeling the weight of the conversation as he listens to his drunk friend's rambling.
"He's just so perfect, you know?" his friend slurs, one hand tightly gripping his glass of amber whiskey, while the other waves around erratically in the air, as if he's presenting some imaginary PowerPoint to Mingyu.
"Dude..." Mingyu tries to cut him off, his voice laced with frustration, fearing yet another long-winded tangent about his obsessive crush on his leader. It feels like this is the sixth time tonight, and it's getting exhausting.
"Why does he have to look so adorable all the time?"
Mingyu sighs in defeat. He places his hand gently on his friend's back, rubbing it in slow, soothing circles, hoping to calm him down from whatever emotional meltdown this is.
"Did you see his platinum blonde hair today? God, I almost choked on my own spit the second I saw him." his friend gushes, his voice thick with admiration. "How does he look good in every hair color? Bet he'd even look good bald, too."
Mingyu rolls his eyes but can't help a small chuckle. He sighs again, nodding along absentmindedly as he pictures the other group's leader in his mind. Yeah, he'd probably look good with a buzz cut, he thinks, amused by the thought.
"Jungkook, dude, stop drinking already. Don't you have an early schedule tomorrow?" Mingyu asks.
Jungkook wobbles, his body swaying dangerously as he faces Mingyu, his eyes squinting and widening in an exaggerated effort to process Mingyu's face.
"It got pushed back." he says with a drunken grin, his words slurring together. "That's why I invited you out for drinks, Gyu. I just wanted to let loose tonight." He beams, his cheeks flushed and high as he reaches for the bottle of whiskey again, practically glowing with excitement.
Mingyu immediately grabs the bottle, yanking it away from Jungkook's hands with surprising force. "Nope. Not another drop for you, JK. You know how you get when you're drunk." he warns, his voice firm. He quickly places the bottle behind him, out of Jungkook's reach, as far as he can manage.
Jungkook pouts, a childlike whine escaping his lips, his eyes wide and pleading. "What do you mean? I don't do anything at all." he protests, swaying slightly as he tries to put on an innocent face.
Mingyu raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms with a stern look. "Might I remind you of your drunken nights? The ones you always regret the next morning?" His eyes, judging Jungkook as the latter does 'grabby' hands towards the bottle like some newborn baby asking for milk.
"I don't know what you meannnn, Gyu~~" Jungkook whines pitifully. His strong grip now crushing Mingyu's arm.
"Jungkook, the last time you got drunk, you tried calling Namjoon hyung and started confessing your one-sided love to him."
Jungkook pauses, his eyes narrowing as he tries to recall the event. "I did?"
"Yeah. Luckily, you called the wrong number, and the poor staff at our favorite chicken spot was the one who got blessed with that drunken confession of yours at 10 p.m." Mingyu rolls his eyes at the memory, shaking his head. He's seen it all before. Jungkook's drunken meltdowns are always the same. The topic? Namjoon hyung.
Mingyu vividly remembers the panic he felt that night. He had to practically lunge across the room to grab the phone from Jungkook's unsteady hand. The sheer panic that overtook him instantly sobered him up, despite the several bottles he'd downed. He was relieved—no, thankful—to see that the number Jungkook had dialed was the chicken place across the street.

Fanfictionjust random stories i have that i need to dump