"Mate, you look dead."
"I feel dead too, thank you very much."
"Those dark circles under your eyes are seriously getting worse. How long has it been since you last slept?"
"Five days." Wonwoo's voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't even had a proper drink of water in days.
"Five days? Bro, how are you still standing?" DK's mouth widens as he studies Wonwoo's sunken face.
"Ughhh, stop shouting." Wonwoo rubs his temples, his patience wearing thin.
"I'm literally not shouting though?"
"Whatever, just stop breathing for a minute, okay? You're freaking loud." Wonwoo's voice is flat and deadpan, but there's a hint of frustration underneath, almost like a cry for help.
"Geez, this is what I get for worrying about a dear friend of mine?" DK sighs heavily, rolling his eyes in dramatic exasperation, though his worry is evident in the way he glances over Wonwoo.
"Don't you have any more sleeping pills?"
Wonwoo shakes his head slowly, looking defeated. "The doctor said I can't take any more. It might make things worse if I take anything stronger. I need a cool-off period before I can take them again... or something like that." His voice trails off, exhaustion heavy in his tone.
"You seriously look like you're about to pass out any second. How the hell are you still not sleeping?"
Wonwoo runs a hand through his disheveled hair, his eyes vacant, as if he's been fighting the same battle for nights with no victory in sight. "I just... I simply can't. That's the problem. It gets worse when I'm alone too. The silence, it just lets all my thoughts rush in."
"Want to sleep with me then?"
He glares at DK, his exhausted mind struggling to keep up with the conversation.
"I realized I should've phrased that better. I meant, do you want to stay at my place for now? It really bothers me seeing you this pale, like a sheet of paper. Who knows what might happen to you if you're all alone in your dorm?"
"Aww, thanks DK. You may be noisy as hell, but you sure are kind as heck."
"Ewww." DK scrunches his face in mock disgust, but the slight flush in his cheeks shows he's genuinely touched.
At DK's dorm...
Wonwoo furrows his brows as the seconds drag by with no response.
Wonwoo rings it again, a bit more impatient this time as he taps his foot on the floor, counting like a clock.
The door creaks open slowly. A tall figure stands in the doorway, looking confused at the sight of Wonwoo.
"Sorry... I thought this was DK's place?" Wonwoo asked, as he double checked the number on the door.
"It is. I'm his roommate."
"He had a roommate?"
"Yeah, starting today. Just moved in." the man's voice holds a note of defensiveness, as if explaining himself even though he didn't need to.
"Huh." Wonwoo simply replies, unsure of how to handle this unexpected situation.
Seconds later, DK comes running toward them from the hallway, breathless and slightly frazzled.
"I've been wondering what I've been forgetting. Turns out it was this. I totally forgot to mention this whole thing. My bad." DK fans himself as he tries to cool down after running through the building.

Fanfictionjust random stories i have that i need to dump