Chapter 3

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By the beginning of the new week, three ships arrived carrying almost 500 soldiers. John said he stopped by the port and was shocked to see that many were getting off the boats. He overheard that the plan was for the troops to stay for months or even years. I was right to think that things were worse than led to believe.

I was walking down the streets of Boston when I heard a commotion on the opposite side. I walked through a connecting allyway and what I saw shocked me. The men in the red coats were ripping the business owners out of their stores and appeared to be arresting them. One man was followed out by a young boy calling after his father, and that is when I saw Sam rushing over to help.

Sam grabbed the officer by the shoulder, and that's when he was pushed to the ground. The man started to kick him, and I gasped aloud. The other officer stopped him and they left Sam laying on the ground. "Stop, he's a worthless drunk. Leave him there."

I ran over to Sam who was curled on the ground in pain. I tried to help him up but Sam pushed my hand away. "Sam, it's me Mary. Let me help you please."

Sam looked up at me, and nodded. I put one arm under his shoulder and lifted him. Sam groaned in pain so I leaned him against a wall.

"What is happening Sam?"

Sam lifted up the bottle of alcohol he must have dropped. "The king issued the arrest of all people who have not paid their taxes. And of the people who are finding a way to avoid it."

"I told John this was going to happen and he just acted like this wouldn't affect him," I added looking into Sam's eyes that were bloodshot. "Sam are you okay? You might have a broken rib."

Sam was holding his side with one arm, and slightly bent over with pain. "Why do you even care?"

"I care because you were just trying to help the boy not lose his father. They attacked you for no reason. Please, let me take you to a doctor."

Sam covered my hand that was resting on his arm. I haven't even realized I was holding on to him. "Thank you Mary. Help me get to Dr. Warren. He's right down the street."

I nodded, and let Sam put support on me. "Mary, do you know see what things are really like? Where you live with John things are not bad. I see activity like this everyday. John will also realize how real this is when it does affect him."

"But I still don't know what I want to do," I said softly.

"There is still time on the offer. You don't need to rush your decision. But you should know that helping me now shows that you have a hint of what you want to do," Sam smiled at me.

I tried to fight the smile that appeared on my face, but it was difficult. Sam pointed to a building, showing me we arrived at Dr. Warren's.

I knocked on the door, and a man about Sam's age opened the door. He looked shocked to see us, but without asking any questions he let us in.

When we got into his office I helped Sam into the chair, and sat in the one next to him.

"Sam, what happened?" Dr. Warren asked.

"The Redcoats happened. They are arresting people who are not paying taxes, and I interfered. Mary helped me here. She thinks I may have broken a rib."

Dr. Warren looked at me. "Mary? Have we met before?"

"No we haven't Dr. Warren. I'm Mary Seymour. John Hancock's sister," I greeted.

"Well thank you for bringing him to me, Mrs. Seymour. Now Sam I need you to take off your coat and shirt. I'm going to need to examine your ribs," Dr. Warren got down to business.

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