Chapter 20

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I froze in my spot and just stared at the wall opposite of me, letting the words sink in. I blinked slowly and nodded my head. "They need to get out of here and hide. My brother should be easy to convince, but Sam...he won't want to leave."

Paul looked at me and stood up quickly. He offered me a hand, and helped me up. "He will see reason, but you may need to help me convince him to go."

I agreed and together we walked down the stairs and met Sam at the entrance. He was looking out to the new recruits who were firing their guns. Paul went over to Sam first and said the same thing I was told. I watched Sam's expression become angry, and he looked over at me, a sign that he wanted me to be a part of the conversation. I crossed my arms and walked over.

"I think you should leave. If you are caught you won't have the chance to be saved and anyone who tries to save you will be killed as well," I stated my opinion. Sam considered what I said, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I know you are both right but I can't just leave right now." I could tell that Sam was having conflicting thoughts as he looked across the farm. "These men need me. I can't leave when I made it my job to train them."

Paul stepped in. "Kelly will be here to make sure everything is going to plan. Everyone here knows what has to be done in case of an attack. What you need to do now is to stay alive to see all of this come together. Take John and yourself to my house in Lexington, no one else but me and Mary where will know where you are."

"Mary is coming with us. If Gage does come here and sees all of this he will kill everyone. This isn't negotiable, you understand Mary?" Sam rushed out. He grabbed my hand and made sure I had his attention.

"I was planning on going with you. There is no way John would be okay with me staying here. Paul, I'm not needed here anyways," I agreed. I was surprised that Paul would even think that I would stay here without John or Sam.

In the distance I saw my brother step out of the house. He looked over at us, but then looked away again. I inaudibly sighed and rubbed my forehead where I felt a headache forming. "I'm going to have to talk my brother. He's going to point out that he knew this was going to happen."

Paul nodded and pushed me out of the barn. "Good luck, and go easy on him." I rolled my eyes, but felt the a pit in my stomach growing as I approached John.

When I got to my brother, he looked at me with concern. His eyes went over my head and he squinted at the barn. "What were you discussing?"

"You, me and Sam need to leave and stay in Lexington for a while. Paul was warned that Gage is looking for you and he will kill you without giving you the chance to explain yourself. No one knows if he knows of our location, but after that night we have to assume he does." I got quick to the point and sighed heavily. As I awaited my brother's answer, I felt the anger that was coming off him in waves.

John stayed quiet for a minute and just shook his head. Without any emotion he said, "okay, I should be ready to leave for tonight. No time should be wasted."

"John, please talk to me," I called out to him as he walked back into the house.

John held a hand up to stop me from coming any closer. "No you stay there. There is nothing for us to talk about. I warned you, I warned Sam, and now my life's in danger."

"John!" I yelled. John continued further into the house, but ignored what I had to say. I looked around the farm, trying to collect my thoughts. All these men that volunteered their lives to fight for independence had no idea what they were really getting into.

I kneeled on the ground and let my head fall into my hands. I didn't have the energy to even hold up my own weight. I heard laughter behind me, and without lifting my head I said, "don't you even think about making a joke, Paul."

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