Chapter 33

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He shook his head at me in disappointment, and walked past me and Sam. The sudden motion shook me out of my shock and I turned in the direction he was heading towards. "Ronald?" I shouted after him.

"Ronald?" Sam repeated after me. I felt bad for leaving Sam standing there, but I had to know why Ronald was here. I chased after Ronald, and when I caught up to him, I dragged him into the nearest room which happened to be Ben's study. I shut the door behind us and locked it.

"Mary, please, I don't want to do this right now. Let me leave." Ronald ordered.

"No, I am not allowing you to go anywhere until you tell me why you are here. So start explaining," I ordered back. I needed answers before I went crazy from all the questions swimming through my mind.

"Ben wrote to me months ago asking to see if there was any way France would be able to help the colonies if a war was to come. I am here on his request because he thinks I will be able to gain more supporters from the colonies if they know France might be willing to help them," Ronald explained, but it was not the kind of explanation I was expecting.

"Ben asked you to come here without asking me first? Did you even know that I would be here?" I asked. I was getting angry from this unwelcomed surprise, but I realize that there is nothing I can do to stop it now. Ronald was already here and was probably going to stay.

"This isn't up to you Mary. This is about war. And I did know that you would be here, but I did not expect you to be having relations with someone. I also might add, that it was unexpected to find you two the way I did," Ronald said in disappointment.

"This is not about Sam right now or what you saw because we are no longer married. You made that clear when you made me sign fake divorce papers just so you could please your French advisors. Which makes me even wonder why Ben would write to you. You are not French, you are an English delegate in France. Why would Ben trust you in these war affairs with France? For all we know, you could be a spy for England!" I shouted at Ronald.

"Mary, lower your voice! I am not a spy. I got promoted in France to work on their foreign affairs, I am no longer part of Parliament. I wrote to John explaining this, he must have never given you those letters to read. You have no reason to be angry with me, if anyone should be angry, it should be me." I rolled my eyes after Ronald explained why he was here.

"I have a right to be angry. You sent me away because I was no longer working for you, Ronald. You decide to divorce after I was in Boston for no longer than six months after you promised me I would only be there for a year. You made my life a mess I knew not how to fix. You were the one person I trusted in my life, and after I found out that our first divorce was a fake, I felt like I could trust no one. Do you know how many times I had to hear that there was a slight possibility that you were cheating on me? I heard it from General Gage, and because of that you made me an easy target for him. I have a right to be angry!" I could not hide the hatred in my voice, and Ronald could not hide the continuing look of disappointment on his face.

"Okay, those are all reasons for you to be angry, but I have my reasons as well. How do you think I felt when I found out that you were cheating on me when you promised me you wouldn't?" I could hear the hurt in his voice, causing me to feel guilt of being with Sam.

"I was never with Sam when we were married. When I thought we were divorced, that was when I let myself be with Sam. Then when I found out that we were still married I was disgusted in myself, but I was so angry with you for making me do that to you. You left me here, alone and betrayed, but Sam was right there and he made me feel something I never felt before. I never cheated on you, Ronald. I kept my promise, and if we were still married to this day that promise would still be intact." I whispered the last part. I never thought that I would be having this conversation with Ronald, or even seeing Ronald again.

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