Chapter 28

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Ben laughed and leaned back in his leather chair. "Mary, usually when you or anyone compliments like that, it is because they want something. Are you sure there is nothing that I can do for you?"

"Maybe there is," I began. I sat down on a chair that was placed on the other side of the room. "When I was with Paul and...and Joseph, they were pleased to have a symbol for the upcoming battle, and I mean that flag you designed. I think we should have a more permanent flag that can be shown to the delegates. Maybe it will strike up the same pride that I saw within Paul."

Ben nodded, and placed the quill back into the ink container. "I think that is a good idea. I can contact the same woman that made the other flag, and maybe you can work with her to design a flag that is more appropriate."

I agreed with his plan with a quick 'thank you', but when I got up to leave, Ben called out my name. I looked at him and waited for him to continue, due to expression I could tell that he was about to be serious.

"Mary, I do hope that everything is okay. When I heard about the outcome from the battle I was concerned for you and everyone up there with you. I saw what the news did to your brother and Sam, and I think that is when I realized that we couldn't go back. I've talked to some of the other delegates, and they seem to agree that we need to protect our colonies from any more attacks," Ben said with a somber voice. I thought he was done so I went to leave once again, but Ben continued. "I also realized that Sam cares for you. It's not the kind of care that is seen from John, it is much more than that. Whatever you are keeping from him, you should tell him."

I was frozen in my spot, and I was sure my mouth was wide open in shock. "How do you know that I am hiding something from him?" I whispered.

"Because I can see that John Adams watches you carefully when you're around his cousin. That isn't much to go on, but it is obvious that there is something," Ben stated.

I watched him and looked down to my stomach, but quickly looked up again hoping that Ben didn't notice my action. Without responding, I left his office more tense than I was this morning. If it was obvious that there was something on my mind, I wondered if Sam had picked up on it. I doubt it though, because before yesterday, Sam spent a good amount of time trying to avoid any interaction we could have.

After I ate a quick breakfast, I met everyone in the study, where it seemed every meeting would be held. I sat down next to John who just smiled and continued to review the names of each delegate that was written down. Sam walked in a moment later and we locked eyes. I nervously looked away from him, but I could still feel him watching me as he sat in an armchair that was to the left of me.

"Mary," Sam whispered to me, and I nodded so he knew that I heard him. "What is going on?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just tired from the last couple weeks, and I didn't sleep yell." My voice was clipped and I could tell that there was signs of my stress in my voice as well.

Sam nodded and moved farther away from me, by leaning further to the right in his chair. I waited for someone to start this so called meeting, but it seemed that no one had the intentions of doing so. I sighed in annoyance and brought my hand to rest my head in. "So what needs to be discussed?"

Adams nodded his head, and cleared the papers off his lap. "Well, we need to come up with a plan to get these men to listen."

"I thought we already had a plan together," Sam cut in. "I was actually going to voice my opinions on the matter, and if they listened then they listened. I was thinking last night that I was going to be brutally honest with them, because these are the kinds of men that need to see where our futures are going if we don't go our separate ways from the crown."

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