Chapter 40

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I was woken to a rough shake on my shoulder, causing me to sit up quickly. I was on the defense, ready to run until I saw Paul was standing over me. It was dark inside my tent besides the lantern Paul was holding that cause casting an eerie light on his face. "What is it? What is going on?"

"Washington met with Howe tonight, and he just returned. He would like to meet with us before he shares the news with the rest of the other officers." Paul gestured for me to stand up, so I did. Before I left my tent, I grabbed my cloak and followed Paul out.

Paul held up a quick pace, causing me to jog after him because of my short legs. Our way over to Washington's tent was quiet, but I knew that Paul was anxious to hear the news just like I was. When we arrived, Paul stuck his head into the tent while saying a quick greeting. Washington told us to come in.

Washington was seated on his bed with a blank expression. He looked at both Paul and I before nodding and clasping his hands together. "So I met with Howe tonight. I was lucky enough that he was able to met so soon, but we needed to get things done quickly. Howe was reluctant to give up the city, but he finally agreed on peaceful terms."

I waited for him to continue, but no words came from Washington. "So we have Boston back? Why are you not more happy about this?"

Washington ran a hand through his hair and shook his head as he looked down at his boots. "Because it only means that the war is going to spread to other locations. I know that this is what we needed to gain more support from Congress, but it will cost more lives. Howe is ordering his men to leave this city in two days at dawn. It will only mean that they are going to move to another location, and I am assuming that will be New York. As soon as they leave Boston, I will need to follow shortly."

Paul looked just as grim as Washington, but they didn't know something that I did. "Before I arrived here, my brother asked me to stop in New York to meet with a wealthy man there. His name is Philip Schuyler. Schuyler has agreed to found a militia in New York so that you will have more men ready to join you. There are many supporters in New York as it, that I believe that his job will be easy. John has thought way ahead of everything to make sure things wouldn't be so complicated after we got Boston back. All you need to do is make your way down to New York and introduce yourself to your new followers."

Washington was looking at me in shock while Paul just shook his his head in disbelief. "Mary, you could have told me about this before I met with Howe. It would have taking some of the stress off my shoulders. I do appreciate you and your brother thinking ahead because it does makes things slightly easier for me. Thank you, once again Mary."

"So what is next for us here though?" Paul asked, and I was sure that he was thinking about the people in the city.

"We enter the city once the British leave. We celebrate our win because no lives were lost. Then we get word down to Congress that we were able to succeed with their request. If what Mary said was true, this should move them to a vote," Washington explained as he leaned forward.

"And then I will return to Philadelphia to tell my brother that we got the city back," I stated.

Paul turned to look at me with a questioning look. "You're returning so soon?"

"I need to Paul. I need to for my brother and there are some things I need to ask Sam about. I came here because you needed me, but now you don't. I go where I am needed, and right now that is with my brother," I explained in a whisper. This was not a conversation I wanted to be having in front of Washington, but with the small space I knew he already heard me.

"Mary, I hope you don't mind that I just heard what you said, but you can be needed here. I can find you a position. You have proved yourself plenty, and I meant what I said earlier in the day. If you want, there doesn't have to be any reason for you to return to Philadelphia," Washington offered. He looked serious about his offer but I could not consider it.

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