Chapter 36

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I rushed to put on my riding boots, and grabbed a cloak before I left the house without anyone trying to stop me. Once I got to the barn, I payed the stable boy to fetch me a saddle and my horse. As I waited for my horse, a figure stepped out of the shadows.

"See, I thought that you would listen to Paul and go to Boston. Why?" My brother asked as he leaned against a post.

"John," I frowned at him knowing all too well why he was there. "I know that you want me to stay here to make sure I am okay, but this is the only way that I will be okay. I can't be here around Sam and Ronald. I need my own time to heal and this is the perfect opportunity. I am sorry, but I am not going back with you. Once I am done in Boston you will be able to begin the vote, that I am sure of."

John stepped forward and kissed me on the forehead. "I know you will be okay, Mary. I am not sure that you made the right choice, but I am sure you will start making the right choices for you. I am only here to make sure that you have everything." John bent down and picked up a satchel. "Inside is some food and money. There is also a name of a close family friend who lives in New York, Philip Schuyler."

I took the satchel with some hesitation. I was surprised that John was the one to be understanding, but I dare not question him in case I made him take back his decision. "Schuyler? Why do you want me to meet with him?"

My horse was walked towards us, and John gestured for me to get up on the saddle. As he helped me up he spoke. "Philip has a lot of power in New York, political power. He wanted to be a part of the Congress but does not have the time for it. I want you to meet with him because he will help us in the long run. Eventually Washington is going to have to leave Boston because if we get that city back, the British will just go after another."

"I understand what you are saying. John," I paused to grab John's hand that was holding onto to the reins. "Thank you for letting me go without fighting with me. I am sorry that I am leaving so suddenly after what happened. Trust me, I know that it is not smart for me to leave in my condition, but I can't be here right now."

"Just, please be careful. I will see you back here, right?" John looked at me with sorrow.

I sighed but nodded anyways. "I need time though. I don't know how long this will take, and who knows if I will return when I am done. I will write to you when I get to Boston."

John nodded and stepped away from my horse. I smiled once more and rode out of the barn and into the cold, dark city. 

I took a different route than usual so I could arrive in New York to visit this family friend. Once I rode into the city, I was almost shocked to see how different this city was to either Boston or Philadelphia. I could smell the sea water in the air, and I noticed that people were giving me questioning looks as I rode my horse throughout the streets. I looked around and noticed that there were no other people on horses, so I decided to get off and walk.

I noticed that there were more people gossiping about the rising tensions and from the conversations that I picked up it was clear that there were many more people who supported the British than I felt comfortable with. It became clear to me the urgency of the message that I had for Schuyler if he was for sure able to convince men in the city to join our fight.

After stopping and asking for directions, I was directed to a larger brick colonial that was overlooking the Hudson River. The look and smell of the area brought me back to when I first arrived in Boston and to my brother's house. This wasn't the past, though, and time was crucial if I wanted to arrive in Boston as planned. I lifted the knocker and waited for anyone to open the door. I smiled when the door was finally opened, and I faced a man that was obviously much older than I thought. He was wearing a wig that I was familiar with when my brother was doing business.

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