Chapter 4

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The next day, John and I both woke early. At breakfast we discussed the actions John wants to take, but he wouldn't know what he would be able to do until he sees the amount of men the Sam was able to get.

After breakfast I went back to my room to finish getting ready. I usually wore my hair up, in a bun, but today I decided to wear it partially down. My hair was naturally wavy, and falled to my shoulders.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and for the first time in my life I looked tired. In London I had nothing to worry about, but being in Boston everything was at risk. I looked out the window and caught the sun reflecting on the water that could be seen. I couldn't tell if I was happy for the changes that were happening in my life, but Sam said I was finally free. It didn't feel like it, though.

I walked out of my room, and John was coming out of his at the same time. "Mary, perfect timing. I was going to get you so we could leave."

"But we still have a couple of hours until we have to meet with Sam."

"That we do, but it will take a while to arrive at the shop which is located across the city," John stated.

I nodded and followed John down the stairs. "Oh, and Mary, if things go well I will be throwing my annual party for the King's birthday in a couple of months."

"Why would you throw it in the King's honor?"

"It will be our cover. If Hutchinson thinks we are still in support of the king, then he won't be as suspicious," he explained.

I smiled at my brother. "Well John, let's get going then. We have a plan to create."

I opened the door and together we rode in the carriage to the city.

On the way, John told stories from his childhood. Many of the stories were of him getting in trouble with our uncle and making a fool of himself at parties. I laughed a couple of times. John asked me to share some stories but most of my time in London as a child was learning right from wrong and studying. John was shocked to learn that I knew how to speak French as well.

"Well the women that raised me was French herself, so she started teaching me the moment I walked into her house," I explained to John.

Suddenly the carriage was stopped, and John looked out the window. "Well look at that, we are here."

John stepped out, and helped me down. John told the carriage driver to wait in the barn down the street, explaining we could be held up for hours.

John knocked on the shop door, and I heard Sam yell for us to come in. We opened the door, and I was surprised to see at least fifteen men standing around. John smiled, seeing all the men who were willing to help.

"Everyone, this is the man who will be paying for your help, John Hancock, and his sister Mary Seymour who will be helping as well," Sam introduced.

I made my way across the shop and stood next to Sam. "I'm no longer Mary Seymour."

Sam smiled at me. "You still are until your husband finalizes the divorce, and that could take a while."

John finished shaking everyone's hand and made our way over to us. "Sam, this is an incredible turn out. Shall we sit and begin the process?"

Sam nodded and pointed towards three chairs that were around a table placed by the fire for us to see.

"Okay, throughout this week I have gathered supplies such as black dye and cloth for the sails. It would be best for us to sail at night when we can't be seen. I have talked to one of my captains, and he has agreed to allow us to use the ship as a test run," John began.

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