Chapter 30

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I looked over at John in confusion, but he just shook his head, a sign to let Ben continue explaining his idea. "So everyone loves a good party, and well these men are wealthy so why not have them show off that wealth. I want everyone to see that we can get along when not in an overcrowded room while we are all sweltering."

"So your idea is to get everyone drunk and jolly in hopes that this works in our favor and we get more votes?" Sam summarized. I looked around the room as I waited for anyone to challenge Sam's question, no one did. "Ben, it is a good idea, but the next day when we are sitting around that room again, no one is going to care about the bonds we made the night before."

"I see you're point, but you are wrong. These are my kind of people, and I know how to throw a party. Let me remind you that I spent many years of my life in English and French courts, all which know how to throw parties that these colonist dream about. Mary can back me up on this," Ben exaggerated, which was a daily thing for him to do.

I smiled at Ben and shook my head. "That is all very true, but I was never a fan of those parties. I would have rathered spent my time reading than pretending to please people that weren't very pleasant."

"I think that it has been made clear that we cannot compare Mary to what she seems," Adams joked from his corner of the room. The rest of the men laughed as I rolled my eyes. One would think that I would be use to how these discussions turned out to be, always ending with me getting involved in some joke.

I pushed myself off the couch, shaking my head in disappointment. "If I am going to be made fun of then I am going to leave. You men enjoy your humor, I am going to make tea." I began to walk out of the room but my brother stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Come on Mary, it is just mindless humor. We would like your opinion on this." I looked down at John, who could not hide the smirk on his face. He was my brother, teasing was part of his job.

I sighed but made my way back to my original seat. Once I sat down, I made eye contact with Ben. "So this party you want to throw, it may be a good idea. Getting everyone into one room but with a more relaxed setting. It will show how people really are in a social setting, and maybe this will allow you to know who you can trust."

"That is exactly what I was thinking, and why I want to do this," Ben stated as he leaned forward in his arm chair. He sat in silence for a moment before he looked up and focused on Sam. "Sam, I know that you don't think this will be worth the efforts and time, but give me a chance. Let someone else take the lead."

"You know, I have let you, Hancock, and my cousin take the lead on this for quite sometime now. I have felt that I am not needed here, and I would be more beneficial with Paul back in Boston. I have left and come back because you all convinced me to give you all a chance, and I am. Do what you have to do if you think it will help the cause. I won't step in," Sam declared. I was impressed with his words because it was not in his nature to take a step back.

"Okay, so it is settled. I will send out invitations as soon as possible. Now I all suggest that you find something nice to wear because I do not condone improper wear at my events," Ben said. One would think that he meant it as a joke, but there was no humor hidden within his words.

I rolled my eyes at his statement and looked out the bay window. I was shocked to see that the sun has already set, and then I felt how tired I was really. "Ben, if you need any help planning this party please let me know. For now, though, I think that I am going to turn in."

After the 'goodnights' I made my way up to my chambers. As I began to climb the flight of stairs, I felt myself become winded to the point where I had to stop and catch my breath. I looked down to my stomach and sighed knowing that this was going to get harder to hide and I would eventually have to tell Sam the news. Our earlier conversation ran through my head, and I grew anxious thinking about how he would react. If we were married this would be great news, but we weren't and things could go many different ways from here.

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