Chapter 15

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Later that night I made my way to the barn where a fire was already lit in the center. There were about ten men in total, most of them I didn't recognize or know their names. I sat between John and Paul, and nodded to the both of them.

"Are you okay? I was going to follow after you, but Sam decided to go and when he came back he was very angry," John whispered to me.

"It's nothing John," I snapped at him. My brother's eyes widened and looked away from me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Look I'm sorry, it's just that I'm tired and I think all I need is rest."

"You don't have to be here if you're that tired. I will make sure you know everything," John suggested.

I shook my head. "No I need to be here. I may be able to help in some way, and I refuse to not be a part of this."

John looked at me with pity, for a reason I didn't want to know. Sam began the meeting and soon everyone was spewing out ideas. The first thing that was decided was that a scouting troop would leave tonight to see what we would be working against. The men were decided, and they were sent out. The rest of us came up with theories for a variety of situations we could face.

For most of the meeting I stayed quiet. Sam avoided looking at me, but then people started to suggest ideas that would prove to be ineffective.

"What you are all saying is going to fail in the long run," I mumbled.

"What was that Mary?" Paul asked me, causing me to snap my head up.

Sam crossed his arms, a sign he was letting me speak. "I think that you are overthinking this. Yes what we need to do will be difficult, but there will be a way to do this without having so many of us go. We put this on pause until the scouts get back, and then only a small amount come together to create a plan. That way there aren't so many voices."

"And who do you think you are to make it look like you will be running this. I expect that you want to be a part of that small amount, but you will be no help when it comes to this. In the end you are just a voice, a very annoying one at that," a balding man said to me. He looked disgusted that I was even sitting among him right now.

I bit my lip when I felt my eyes begin to tear, and I kept my head down. I went to leave, but John kept me in my seat.

"Nathan, you don't know what Mary has done for this group of men. You don't know what she has given up to help Sam, to help the cause. You may think I am biased because she is my sister, but she is one of us, one of you. In fact, she has done more than you have, which if I am correct is nothing so far," John said, standing up for me when I couldn't.

Nathan scuffed but didn't say anything in return. I whispered a thank you to John and he nodded in return.

Sam was quiet during the exchange between Nathan and John but when I looked at him he looked distracted. "Mary, does have a point. We can't decide anything until we know what we will be looking for. I'll call a few people for another meeting tomorrow, and then we will decide on a plan."

I stayed seated on a crate that being was utilized as a stool as everyone went their separate ways. John said goodnight, leaving me to sit in front of the fire alone. I heard someone sit next to me, but I didn't have to look over to see who it was.

"I suggest you don't listen to what Nathan has to say about you. There will always be that one who won't be able to accept the help from a woman," Sam said.

"And there will always be that one person who goes against what he says," I spoke with a lack of emotion.

"What are you talking about?"

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