Chapter 8

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I fell asleep with a pounding head and an ache in my heart, but I woke with an even worse headache. I groaned as I sat up in bed. On a table across the room there was a plate of fruits set up. I got out of the bed, and saw that on the table was also a vial of medicine. I picked up the note that John had written saying Dr. Warren stopped by when he heard of what happened, and that this should help with any pain I felt.

I drinked the content in the small bottle, and picked at the fruit. The images of last nights events surfaced, and I didn't have much of an appetite. I got out of the clothes that I was wearing yesterday. I was disgusted to spot blood at the top of the dress, and tossed it aside. I pulled out another dress, and put it on myself without calling for help. I just wanted a few more minutes to be alone. When I was done I figured it was time to look in the mirror. When I did, I almost started to cry at the sight. There was an ugly bump from where I was hit with the gun, and it was already beginning to bruise. I decided to wear my hair down to cover what I could.

I made my way downstairs just to see John walking out of his study, pulling on his coat. He looked up when he heard me, and frowned. "Oh Mary, how are you feeling?"

"It look worse than it actually feels. The medicine Dr. Warren brought to me is already working. Remind me to thank him. Where are you going?" I asked.

"I was just about to go speak with Mr. Revere. I wasn't going to wake you, but since you're ready, would you like to come?" John offered.

I nodded. John went to get me my own coat. I put it on when he returned and together we walked out and into the carriage. As we rode into the city I wished for spring to return quickly. I was tired of cold, grey mornings, and the filth that the snow showed. If I was in London, I would be looking at the clearing behind my house, the snow untouched. I would ride a horse into the woods and just be happy with the silence within nature. Now I was around noise, unhappiness, and everything was dark. I felt like I haven't had the sun touch my face in over ten years, like I was stuck underground in a mine.

John must have understood that I was in no mood to make conversation because he stayed silent. I could feel him looking at me as I looked out the window. I hoped that my brother wasn't blaming himself for what happened to me last night. I was the one that didn't leave when I should have.

When we pulled up in front of the infamous shop I sighed. I knew already that everyone would be in there. I fixed my hair to make sure that the bruise was covered. I locked eyes with John, but his eyes moved from mine to the wound.

"Are you sure you want them to see you like this? They would understand, I would understand."

"They can think what they want. I am going in with you," I declared. I got out of the carriage.

John went into the shop before, causing the bell to chime. I followed after him, but no one seemed to be aware of our presence. Many men were gathered around Sam who was pointing to a map of the city. John cleared his throat, and Sam stopped talking to look over at us.

"Hancock, Mary, what are you doing here?" Sam questioned, leaning back in the chair he was seated in. Sam's gaze moved to my face, and a look of regret appeared, disappearing just as quickly.

"What are you planing?" John asked.

"Why should I tell you? You both made it clear that you would not get involved directly. All you have been doing the past few weeks is try to get me to stop doing things."

"People were killed last night because things were taken too far. My sister was injured as well." John turned towards me and moved my hair so everyone could see. I moved away from him after, ashamed of what he just did.

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