Chapter 42

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I held back my tears as I watched the door close behind Sam. There was no going back now, and there was no explaining how empty I felt after I heard the final click of the door closing. I stood up from my chair, placing one hand on my stomach to help me focus on my breathing. I faced the window and watched the clouds slowly move across the night sky to partially cover the moon.

There was a knock at my door, causing me to jump. "Come in," my voice sounded weak.

I turned my head towards the door and I saw John Adams peak his head in. "I was wanting to speak with you about tomorrow, but if now isn't the time I can come back."

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "No. No I'll be okay. I am okay. Please sit down."

I could tell that John was watching me with caution, but he took a seat in the chair I was just occupying. "Mary, if now is not the time we can do this tomorrow. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed."

"I need to continue to live my life, John. I have never let my emotions stop me before. What is it that you wanted to go over?" I asked in the plainest voice. I sat down on my bed and waited for John to speak.

John looked at me for another minute, probably considering if he was going to make the choice to have this conversation at another time. He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "I wrote letters to the other members of Congress explaining that you will be joining in on the session tomorrow. You need to expect that there will be some of these men who will not want you there and they will speak their opinion. My suggestion is that you act like you don't hear them, show them that it doesn't bother you."

If I was feeling like my old self I would have laughed at his suggestion. "I have heard enough opinions about my involvement in any of this. It began with Kelly, so I think I can handle a few more comments about my gender and being involved in something that I really shouldn't be. Thanks for your concern, though," I spoke with a little distaste and anger.

John sighed, I am sure that he knew I did not want to have a repeat conversation of all the things that I already knew about. "Okay. I will be the one to introduce you to the Congress because you are my responsibility for the day. They will let you speak about what happened in Boston and you will explain why this will help us. They will ask you questions which you will answer simply. I know that it will be your instinct to voice your opinion and I would love for you too, but those men will not hear it. Many already know you for being sharp tongued and they will expect you to be so, I want to reduce that expectations. Keep your opinions to yourself."

I was shocked to hear that John was speaking so harshly towards me, and maybe it was the only way he thought he could make me hear what he was saying. "I don't like what you're asking me to do, but I will keep my mouth shut unless I am spoken to. Is there anything else that you would like me to do tomorrow?"

"Whatever you say, make sure that it will win over those men. I am growing wary, and I can tell that others are as well. We have been at this for months now and the progress is slow, but like you I believe that this can be the motivation that we need. We could possibly come to a vote within the next week if tomorrow goes as planned," John explained. I could see that John was honestly tired of fighting with the other colonies day after day, and that he held a lot of hope for tomorrow.

"John, I want this just as much as you do. I have seen the lengths that you and everyone else has gone through to get this far. I will do what I can tomorrow to make sure that you will get your votes," I promised.

John smiled at me and stood up from his chair. "I will see you tomorrow morning then. If you have any questions you know where to find me."

"Hey John," I said before he could walk out the door. "Can you make sure no one else bothers me tonight. I kind of just want to be alone."

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