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Inez returned home the day after the thing with Geraldine happened, telling her everything that happened.

"I can't believe she's the scarlet witch."

Inez told her mother, who laughed, Agnes wasn't completely convinced that Wanda was the scarlet witch.

"I'm not certain she is. But come on we need to make our entrance into the Maximoff house."

Agnes said, Inez rolling her eyes, she thought the outfit her mother's outfit was ridiculous, some 80s get up. Inez had an outfit that wasn't even close to what her mother had on, she had a pair of jean shorts with a patterned shirt on top. Her shirt was a striped shirt that had black purple and green stripes on it, the colours of her powers and her parents powers which Inez thought was kind of ironic.

 Her shirt was a striped shirt that had black purple and green stripes on it, the colours of her powers and her parents powers which Inez thought was kind of ironic

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(Like this but in different colours.)

"You look ridiculous."

Inez said as she held her mother's hand, walking toward the Maximoff household, it becoming very obvious the new born twins were not sleeping.

"I know."

Agnes said as they rang the doorbell of the Maximoff house, Inez was technically supposed to go with Agnes to her jazzersise but neither of them were going to make it.

"Hiya kids."

Agnes said as her and Inez just let themselves into the Maximoff house, Alice smiling as she saw Inez.

"Hiya Maximoff's."

Inez said after her mother, looking in vision's direction confused as to why he was holding a pillow over his face.

"Oh, Agnes! Inez!"

Wanda exclaimed, Inez making a b line for where Alice was standing, which was far from unusual.

"Agnes, Inez, I was just fluffing this pillow. With my face."

Vision said rather weirdly, the pair shooting each other a subtle look before Agnes spoke up again.

"Oh, we were just on our way to jazzercise, Inez usually sits in the lobby while I do it, anyway we heard your new little bundles of joy were on a sleep strike."

Agnes told Wanda, Inez shivering at the thought of actually having to go watch jazzercise, it was not something that Inez would enjoy. Agnes chucking her gym bag on the Maximoff's couch as Inez sort of played with one of the twins.

"Oh? Who told you that?"

Vision asked, the two O'Connell's looking at him like what kind of question was that. Everyone on the block could hear the babies crying, they didn't even really need to leave them houses to hear it.

"Uh, our ears."

Both Inez and Agnes answered the man's question at the same time, Alice slightly chuckling at this, along with her parents.

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