56| Magical Gals

184 14 23

"Not everything is about you all the time. I did help. Those visions she had of vision being dead, that was all me. And I set the ball rolling with herb. Not to mention That fucking dog was fucking dying long before you poisoned it. But first we need to talk about how stupid it was for you to just leave the book out when you know she was coming down here."

Valentina started to rant at Agatha as Wanda just stood there, Agatha laughed as Valentina tried to bring up who she thought Wanda was.

"Can you stop? She's not the scarlet witch."

Agatha told her daughter causing Valentina to roll her eyes, before Agatha chose to change the subject.

"Mmm? What? No, I know."

Agatha said pretending that the rabbit could speak to her, causing Valentina to roll her eyes yet again.

"She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn't she?"

Agatha said pretending that the rabbit could talk to her, Wanda's eyes glowing red causing the pair to laugh.


Agatha said with a laugh, as it became very obvious to the pair the woman was trying to read their minds.

"That's adorable."

Valentina continued what her mother was saying as they continued to laugh, Wanda was never going to be able to read their minds.

"Our thoughts are not available to ya, toots. They never, ever were. So don't go givin' yourself a migraine."

The Harkness pair told the woman at the same time, both slightly laughing as the woman's eyes stopped glowing.

"You really should have trusted morticia, when she said you couldn't trust us. Ironic isn't it?"

Valentina told the woman with a laugh, she'd heard the woman say that, well actually Alice had heard that and told her, and it made her laugh.

"We don't have time for your little tangents. We've got work to do."

Agatha told her daughter who just rolled her eyes before Wanda finally said her first words since finding out the pair weren't who they said they were.

"Where are my children?"

Wanda asked, her accent coming through more strongly in some places than others, which made the Harkness's laugh.

""Where are my children?""

Valentina mocked, earning a laugh out of her mother before the older woman scoffed.

"Oof! That accent really comes and goes, doesn't it?"

Agatha asked her daughter rhetorically, as if Wanda wasn't still standing there, it wasn't like she could attack them, at least not successfully.

"It really does."

Valentina answered, despite the question, as Wanda seemed to be getting annoyed, which was their usual stick, but the fact they were in a place where the woman couldn't use her powers would say they weren't pulling their usual tricks.

"Where are they?"

Wanda said trying to blast them which caused the pair to laugh, Wanda looking at her hands, confused why her magic wasn't working.

"Oh, your Magic's no good here."

Agatha told Wanda before using her magic to restrain the woman, Valentina remembering something she was going to do.

"Your children, that reminds me. Alice asked for some dvds for entertainment purposes."

Valentina said, making some DVDs from upstairs materialise in her hand before walking toward where the twins were being held and Alice was watching them.

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