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I and my girl's where having fun at the club and I'm tipsy, I turned when I felt a finger tap on my shoulder and saw the bartender outstretched hand as he passed me a shot

"Um. I didn't order this" I said confused at the cute looking bartender

"That man over there bought it for you" he grumbled

I turned my head to the direction he was pointing at to see the sexiest man on this universe

My jaw almost dropped, no wait it did

His jet black hair was just reaching up to his shoulders, his body, my fucking god his body makes you wanna throw off your panties and beg him to take you on the table, his shirt was stretched to its full capacity over his massive chest, his huge arms rested on his thighs as his eyes, my Lord his gray eyes watched me, which by the way is staring right into my soul

Every girl in this club watched him, the girls on the dance floor swung their hips to try and get his attention and when they didn't, they'd close they're eyes and wish the guy they're grinding on to be him

"He wanted me to gave you a message," he said a bit annoyed
I reluctantly turn my head from Mr. Hottie to the bartender

"He said, when u drown that shot down, it'll probably give you the courage to come to me." At that, the bartender turned to serve the rest of the customers

"Holy shit! Girl, you gotta take that man home!" Rose said always trying to raise the hoe out of me, which never worked but this time I just might listen to what she's saying to me

"Shit, you don't want him, I take him," Sarah said at my side as she drank him in

I turned my head to see Mr. Hottie is still staring at me, so I pick my shot up, and put it to my lips, doing this without breaking eye contact. As I pour the shot down I lick my lips seductively, his gray eyes turned more heated as he stared me down

"Sorry girls this one's mine"

Time to live wild for once

I got up and went to the dance floor
Hoping like hell he'll follow me as the song "Pony" came on, I sway my hips to the erotic song as a pair of hand rest on my hips

I turned my head to see Mr.hottie standing there

Thank god!

"Hey there," I said

"Babe" he rumbled

We started dancing together which consisted of grinding and groping

He turned me around to face him, one arm wrapped around my waist holding me close and the other hand gripping my hair at the base of my neck, he tugged my hair back, so I can look at him.

"Do I need to buy you another drink to get you to come to my hotel room with me," he asked his face mere inches from my face, that I can feel his breath on my lips, he smelled of manly musk and liquor

"I don't need another drink" I whispered but he managed to hear me over the booming music as he smashed his mouth against mine

I moaned as our mouth took what it wanted, his hand slid down and landed on my ass and squeeze, I pressed more against him, trying to get as much skin contact as I can

Even when I'm wearing my five-inch stilettos, he still towers over me

All too soon he pulls back and looks in my eyes, he growls appreciatively and starts pulling me out the door, quickly puts me in a car and drove like a mad man to his hotel

Once we made it we had the best night ever, it was rounds after rounds of sex

Grunts, moans, roars, and screams

Little did I know the consequences of my heated decision, which I had to conquer on my own since he wasn't there when I woke up

His Best Mistake (Devils #1)Where stories live. Discover now