chapter 18

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I narrowed my eyes at him, but ignore that statement for now, but sooner or later ill want to know what world Joe lives in if he plan's to keep us here, and it must be a dangerous one for someone to kidnap me and my kids for his brother,i want to hold a grudge against him but i cant for some reason, i am still a shaky and a little paranoid, its gonna be a while until i know no harm is gonna come to my kids, yet

Just thinking about someone taking my kids bring's tears to my eyes, i cant help but think the worst

"Babe" Joe said breaking me from my horrible thoughts

"What" I snapped, still a little irritated about what just happened

He narrowed his eyes at me, then turned to the guys who are intently starting at us

"Put those bags in the my room, and go check on the kids for us" Joe muttered

They walked away but not without a last glance at us

"Babe, don't get a fucking attitude"

"I don't have an attitude" I replied innocently

"Don't like playing games" he growled

"But you played earlier"

"SOFIA" he roared his face getting dark, as he stalked over to me getting in my face, the tip of his nose brushing against mine

"Don't you dare yell at me Joe and also, wanna tell me why YOU LEFT MY KIDS HERE BY THEMSELVES!!" I yelled

"They were never alone"

"What?-wait you left my kids with that WOMAN" I yelled in his face

"I'm gonna tell you this one time and one time only, the kids were never alone, I got men all over the place AND Bianca was never supposed to be here"

"So what, were you gonna hide her"

"I don't have to hide bitches, i don't give a fuck who here, if i need my dick wet, call them up, fuck them, then kick their asses out"

Woah, but what was I to expect from him, shit I barley knew him and yet, he calls me his woman, not gonna lie when I heard him say that I was his woman, I felt butterflies in my belly, but right now those little butterflies each are dying by a heart attack one by one

"Anyways, what did you mean you have men all over the place, I didn't see anyone when I woke up"I said, trying to change the subject

"You don't have to see them for them to see you"

I shivered and not the good kind

"I don't know how to feel about being watch"

"Simple. You feel nothing"

"And other thing you need to know is that i don't tolerate disrespect so you Fucking respect me, or you will be punished and it wont be pretty" he snarled

"Who the fuc-" i started but with one look from his glare, i shut my ass up, was not about to face the consequences from my damn mouth

He brought one of his hands up and around my throat, stroking his thumb along my collar bone, then he slid his thumb up my neck and back down and spot at the hallow of my neck and added slight pressure, i gasped it didn't hurt, just felt the pressure

I put my hands on his chest, to clam him down or so i thought because it looked like he was about to choke me, as i looked at my hands and said

"Listen i need a shower and a change of new clothes"

Trying to change the subject yet again

"Me and the guys have bought a shit ton of clothes for you guys" he says releasing my neck

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