Chapter 22

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I hopped out the car once we got to the house and walked over to the door letting myself in, i tried to forget what i just saw when i entered the bathroom, i took a quick shower and dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, a thin soft flowy shirt a cardigan over it and boots that stops just below my knees (A/N OUTFIT IN THE SIDE), i looked at the time, it was just 2:00 and i'm missing my babies.
I was walking towards the living room when i passed Joe's office i heard his harsh voice

"I don't give two shits who did it, when i told you to dispose of his body, i didn't fucking say in my damn fucking pond" he yelled

I stood there frozen, i had a feeling he wasn't a good guy. Deep in my heart i knew he wasn't good news, but for some reason i am not afraid of him, i feel safe but that doesn't change the fact that he is a.......killer, just saying that word, leaves a foul taste in my mouth, but i have read romance stories about the main character being a killer but still love his girl. I mean not that i'm not Joe's girl, but there could be a reason behind this, and those girls in the stories are very innocent, not me i'm a bad bitch....or so i like to believe

What if he wanted to give the business over to someone, will he give it over to Lucas since he is his son, he will not make my son a killer!

I was mentally panicking, my thoughts not even close to helping me

"Things changed, next time when i say disposed, i mean out my damn property. Got it"

I guess he hanged up because i heard silence, just as i was about to run my ass somewhere, the door suddenly flew open

fuck a snowman

"You know its not polite to eavesdrop" he says leaning towards me but both hands on top of the doorframe

I snorted and continued to walk away as if i didn't hear nothing, i wish i didn't hear anything but of course, stopping when two muscular arms dragged me back towards him

"What did you hear" he asked

I just shrugged my shoulders, he turns me around and looks into my eyes, i couldn't look away, his eyes, just like my kids, i fucking love those eyes

"I like your eyes" i said then proceeded to poke them

"I like yours too" he also went and poke my eye, but i didn't expected him to actually do it, so he poked my eyeball and i didn't have a chance to closed them

"OW, JOE" i yelled

"Next time close your eyes dumbass"

He moves my hand and laid a kiss on my left eye, he then kissed my other eye, he trailed kisses down my cheek and to the corner of my mouth, he pulled back leaving the trail of fire on my skin
He pushes a hand into my damp hair and leaned down and placed a soft kiss, his tongue licking the seam of my mouth wanting entrance, which i denied
He growled, he then picked me up and slammed me against the wall grabbing my legs and putting them around his waist, i gasped and he pushed his tongue into my mouth, we kissed passionately and i rubbed against the bulged that is pressed against me, i pulled away needing air, as Joe tormented me but thrusting upwards and sucking on my collarbone, i was to far gone to even stop, i thrust my hands into his hair ready to kiss him again when i heard a snap, me and Joe froze i looked to my right and saw Joe's brothers Mason and Nico

Mason holding a phone up which he obviously just snapped a picture, i groaned and hide my face in Joe's neck, blushing so hard i could feel the heat off my cheeks, i head a couple of chuckles and Joe's growls by the rumble of his chest, to which by now Joe relaxed knowing it was his brothers in the house, he put me down and walked over to mason, grabbed the phone out of his hand and did something on it before giving it back, i heard a ping in Joe's phone

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