chapter 5

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All five guys fell silent.

Well the four guys who were speaking fell silent.

Now they stare at each and everyone of us with an intense gaze

"Lucas, honey, can you continue to untie mommy" I said to my son

"Sure, mom" lucas said

But before that he places cecilla next to me and sits her down with a 'don't move', then he went to untie me

He was successful to unite me, and I grabbed both him and cecilla, and smashed their faces both to my chest and rained kisses on both of my babies.

I wasn't able to hide my flinch when I hugged them
My ribs feels like........ I don't know
I never had broken ribs before, but it feels like someone is stomping on it repeatedly

I pulled them back, and looked at their gray puffy eyes.

I heard joe's voice say
"In three days time, you three would be staying with me, and I don't give a flying fuck if you don't like it."

"I don't like it!" yelled lucas turning around and facing the TV screen

"Like I said kid, don't give a fuck if you don't like it." Joe said back

"Hey!" I shouted, not liking the way their father was speaking to them

"Watch your fucking mouth around my kids!" I yelled

"Babe, your fucking cursing yourself"
Joe bit back harshly

"Me and my kids are in a bad situation, they know, why their mothers a little worked up!" I yelled

"And I am their father, they must understand, why I am in a bad mood to find out this way that I have kids, and their both in danger!" Joe roared

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