Chapter 15

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I knew it was a dirty trick

I looked at Joe and saw him massaging his poor member before walking towards the couch

I looked over to the kids and saw that the were tearing open the toys Joe bought and it was ALOT of damn toys, but what i love the most was their smile and laughter

I turned back to look at Joe and guess what?

He's right in my face

He grabs my hands and start pulling me, i pulled back and am not about to be alone with this beast

But my efforts were in vain when he dragged me towards the bathroom

"let me go" i said but he was ignoring my protest

"Lucas and Cecilia, i'm going to wash your mother face" Joe said

"kay" they both say in unison, oblivious of my struggle towards their dad, he shoves me into the bathroom, slams the door and lock it

Oh no

I walked backwards until my back hit's the wall

Joe grabs a towel and wets it

"Come here"

I stayed where i was, not moving, he growled and walk towards me i jumped to the side and ran towards the door, he grabs me by the waist and turn us around so were both facing the mirror with him pressed behind me, one hand around my waist and the other hand on the counter leaving me trapped in

He looks at me and shoves the towel in my face cleaning it roughly while looking at me through the mirror

"Oww" i tried to grabbed the towel but he shoved my hand away

"i'll help you with what i done to your face, and you'll help me by what you done to my dick"

my eyes widen

He doesn't mean.... what i think he means?

His eyes lighten with mischeif, my eyes narrowed

"Why don't you get that girls number from McDonald's to help you with your dick since you like her so damn much"

He blew out a breath

" I knew you were mad about that" he muttered

"In front of my damn kids Joe, can you be a decent dad and not a fuckboy"

"OUR kids their not just your's now and what that whore did back their i didn't like it either, you don't do that shit in front of my family so i grabbed the napkin and was gonna wipe my ass with it later" joe growled, moving his hand from my waist grabbed something from his pocket and threw it on the counter

"Take it, have the pleasure"

I grabbed it, but i was gonna wipe my ass with it later, i already have something in mind,i laughed at my evilness

"Excuse me" i said moving around him, he grabs my waist and turned me around making me face him

"We aren't done yet, so get on your knees and suck this dic-"

He didn't finish that sentence because i kneed him again

"Jesus Christ" he yelled and this time did get on his knees

I patted his head

"Sorry but not sorry" i replied

I ran to the door and unlocked it not wanting to hear whats he gonna say and slamed it shut, i walked over to the hotel phone and dialed the number on the napkin, it rang three times before someone picked up

"Hello" a sluty voice came from the line, and i recognized it instantly

"If you want this dick then come under the bridge at eight clock" i said in a deep voice, trying to sound like a dude, i know i'm a little to old to be doing pranks call but hey it'll make me fell better i guess

"You got it baby" was her reply she didn't know who i was, and what bridge i was talking about, hell i don't even know what bridge i'm talking about

I laughed at my own stupidity, but the line is still on, i didn't know what else to say so i hanged up. Out of the corner of my eyes i see that the kids are sleeping on the floor, they played so much they worn themselves out

I grabbed two pillows and one blanket they'll wake up in an hour, their just having their daily nap, i stuffed a pillow under Lucas head and placed a pillow next to him, i then picked up Cecilia and placed her next to Lucas, then i threw a blanket over them

While i did this, i didn't hear a sound of anything, but a muffled groan

I looked around and notice that Joe was still in the bathroom

did i hurt him badly?

I walked over to the bathroom and the door is closed, i swung the door open

"Joe i'm sorry that i hurt your little man-

I froze on the spot

Joe is leaning over the sink the ends of his shirt tucked into his mouth, biting it in that sexy way and he's showing off his damn 8 pack, i looked lower to see his cock pulled out and he was stroking it with hard, fast strokes

And may i say

Sweet jesus

His cock is bigger than the last time i saw him,( and of course i remembered him because he was my last lover)

Joe opened he's eyes and looked at me through the mirror not stopping with what he's doing

"If you have pain combine it with pleasure" Joe said

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, i'm just stand their gawking at him

"If your gonna just stand their with your mouth open, you might as well use it for good use" he growled

and before i know it, i'm on the bathroom counter, Joe's lips on mine forcing his tongue into my mouth, we both fought for dominance, and Joe wins the battle, he starts ripping my shirt off, as i ripped his shirt from his beautiful body

"The twins" he asks, breathing rapidly kissing and sucking on my neck

"Sleeping" i replied as breathless, not wanting to stop

hey i hadn't had some action in a while, and now since my body had a taste of Joe again i want more

I crashed my lips to his, he pulls my pants and underwear down together, turns me around so we are facing the mirror and thrust into me from behind

And we both groaned

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